If Donald Investigates The Way He Says, His Administration Could Uncover Real Scandals

This was interesting:

WASHINGTON, D.C. — The State Department claimed in court that it does not have any communications between Hillary Clinton and the Obama White House during the day and week of Benghazi, even though records show that those communications took place. The FBI does not have those communications either, according to court documents.

Researcher Larry Kawa filed a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request, represented by the group Judicial Watch, seeking “all communications between then Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and the White House from and including September 11, 2012 through and including September 18, 2012.”

Kawa, represented by Judicial Watch, then filed a FOIA lawsuit in district court and forced a stunning admission in September. A Department of Justice “Status Report” in the case, filed on the State Department’s behalf, revealed that the State Department and the FBI do not have these communications…

State Department Operations Center Watch Logs show that President Obama was “patched” to Secretary Clinton at 10:27 PM Eastern Time (4:27 AM local Benghazi time), on the night of September 11, 2012, as the attack in Benghazi was unfolding. It took Obama more than six hours to appear in the Watch Log after the White House convened an emergency conference call of top officials.

Something in Benghazi transcends your normal shadowy government actions in pursuit of national interests. Was Stevens being traded to terrorists for a swap later? Was Hillary trading Stevens for intel on the location of Libyan gold? Was there a pay for play with the Clinton Foundation and terrorists who wanted to video the execution of an Ambassador? When Hillary heard she was being subpoenaed she went full lights-out possum, and woke up with her eyes pointing in different directions. What on God’s green earth could do that?

Between voter fraud, Clinton’s pay for play, Benghazi, Fast and Furious, the email servers, Sharyl Attkisson’s hacking and frame-up, Michael Hastings – any one could be a major scandal.

It will be interesting to see if Donald goes after them, or plays the intel game, and buys capitulation with the ability to destroy his enemies.

Given how bad the nation is doing, he would need that to cow the corruptocracy and save the nation. And yet, destroying that corrupt machine and taking the Clinton’s out once and for all would be beneficial in its own way, and send a message to all the future corruptocrats that will come after Donald has left.

r/K Theory is toxic to liberals, and the reviews at the bottom of this page prove it.

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7 years ago

[…] If Donald Investigates The Way He Says, His Administration Could Uncover Real Scandals […]

7 years ago

Benghazi will tie Killary into illegal weapons sales and trade with ISIS. Calling it now.

7 years ago

Tammy Bruce has put forth the theory that Hillary and State were trying to put together a deal to get arms back from “rebel” groups and the deal went south. Naturally the details of such a deal could not be allowed to come to the attention of the public, thus the decision to let the ambassador twist in the wind.