Is #BlackLivesMatters the Beginning Of A Rebellion?

ZeroHedge makes the case that #BlackLivesMatters is the fourth stage in the insurgency cycle:

The airwaves are full of pundits screaming about violence against police officers. These are the same pundits that disregarded the warnings of experts in the field of insurgency when the Ferguson riots broke out and chose to dismiss the rioters as “thugs.” They continued to cheerlead for more police militarization even after the first officers were shot in targeted killings. They are now continuing their efforts to support police militarization. Those of us that warned of this last year, have watched in horror as all of our predictions came true. We are now in the fourth stage of the cycle of insurgency. The fifth stage is open insurrection…

For a bit of background, review a brief synopsis of the cycle of insurgency from an article written in August of 2014:


Reactive Protests…

Preemptive Rioting…

Military or Law Enforcement backlash and crackdowns…

Widespread rebellion and insurrection…

We are now in the Fourth Stage…

It is extremely important to note that in all of recorded history, an insurgency that matured through the phases and reached this stage has never been quelled through force. Ever. It may have been delayed, but the insurgency simply went underground until opposition forces relaxed. In some cases it took 800 years to achieve an insurgent victory. Once an insurgency reaches this stage, it wins. It is that simple.

I disagree thoroughly, on several fronts, because there are several things that are different this time.

First, you have the IQ issue. In previous cases you would be looking at a lower caste which was a part of a homogenous culture. I am not sure you have ever seen as great a disparity in IQ’s between insurgents and the powerful. Because the #BlackLivesMatters movement is composed of individuals who believe Michael Brown was a gentle giant despite the video evidence of him performing a strong-arm robbery, you have a sort of litmus test to entry which selects for the mentally-retarded and cognitively-impaired. This is not a movement which is based around a genuine grievance which would draw in high and low IQ alike. It is strictly an army of mental-midgets with diminished capacity. If your movement is about letting the stupidest in the country tell everyone else what to do, you have a fairly significant handicap that other movements have not had previously.

Second is the fact that the movement is not organic, but rather artifically agitated by a leftist movement which is terrified of poking the Police too hard. Without that artificial agitation by the r-strategists, #BlackLivesMatters collapses. That is why, whether it is the Black Panthers in the 60’s, or #BLM today, you never see these groups without the white rabbits on board. Once the white rabbits leave and stop agitating them, the movement is over.

Before this hits the fifth stage, I expect the left to back off and stop agitating it, for fear of upsetting their own applecart and turning the police on the left as a whole. The left wants its mentally-retarded foot soldiers voting, and while it will tolerate police mortality in pursuit of that objective, they will not want to unleash a full on Apocalypse with the Police, lest the conservative right and the police join together, pick up a few guns, and decide to end our rabbit problems once and for all. Leftists only threaten from safety. Once you might kill them, they fall right in line.

Third, I see the psychologies. Blacklives matter isn’t a movement of K-strategists, ready to fight. So far the killings are only produced by lone, mentally-ill individuals, while the majority of the movement is composed of welfarites and those dependent on the government. When there are killings, the response from those left is “unity protests” and apologies, lest the conflict begin to get too hot.

I’ll make a prediction. Once Trump is elected, #BlackLivesMatter will rapidly evaporate, because when they complain about something like the thug Michael Brown being shot, instead of getting a little bit of dopamine from a President backing them up and making them feel powerful, Trump will demean and humiliate them, and that will be such a negative amygdala-experience that they will abandon the effort.

Add a little wood shampoo and some lead infusions to that Presidential humiliation, and I’d expect us to rapidly return to the racial harmony and peacefulness we enjoyed back before we elected a black President.

This entry was posted in Amygdala, Economic Collapse, ITZ, K-stimuli, Politics, Psychology, rabbitry, Trump. Bookmark the permalink.
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bob sykes
bob sykes
7 years ago

You might be interested in this,

A large majority of the demonstrators who shut down I-94 in Minneapolis are white radicals.

7 years ago

[…] Is #BlackLivesMatters the Beginning Of A Rebellion? […]

7 years ago

Too, I read the article in Zero Hedge and afterward tried to recall any historical instances of a lower caste within a heterogeneous culture assuming the reigns of that culture. South Africa comes to mind, but the huge numerical advantage gave blacks there a “fighting” chance. Ditto with other sub-Saharan countries.

India comes to mind. Ghandi, the little fraud, was a sexually deviant, deeply insecure Oxford graduate — not exactly a low-life — who lead India into a revolt against their “betters.” And India, like the US, was balkanized into different areas or tribes. To them, differences were pronounced between the isolated south and the below-the-Himalayas north (through which trade routes and many different peoples have passed). Ghandi came from the north, as I recall. Still, he unified the country against their British overlords.

I’m sure there are plenty of other historical examples, though I can’t think of them now, of coddled r-selected minorities rising against their k-selected superiors … and winning, Sheer numbers have always helped, but sometimes the dissipation of the k-class adds to it’s own demise.

I wonder, if in your binary approach to r and k if there is a grey area between them, those who are mostly-k, and mostly-r, but not utterly polarized. Is there a middle? A muddled middle? And if so, what happens to the middlin’ when the call to arms is heard? It appears that you believe that when the SHTF people will choose their dominant side, with the k’s becoming more k, and r’s devolving into scared non-players.

On a personal note, I find myself becoming increasingly K as I look at the world through your sharpened r-K analysis. I suppose, originally, the r in me was more created than original, in other words, it was what society had encouraged more than my original genetic endowment. I find my own history instructive — yes, this is only ONE datapoint, I know — as it shows a large zone of “undecideds” between the poles. Do extreme r’s ever evolve to K?

Sam Eip
Sam Eip
7 years ago

President Trump will forge a cowboy posse to rummage through the liberal habitats and continuously bitch slap the leftists for no particular reason aside from their sheer faggotry. Once there is no longer a black man in the White House the country will revert to the nineteen fifties where women wear dresses and heels in their kitchens while cowboys roam the hillsides lynching coons.

President Trump will bring back the McCarthy era and exhume the body of Pete Seeger to posthumously decapitate him. The radio will play Patti Page and the only sport on television will be ice hockey. President Trump will give all the welfarites pink slips before putting them on a boat to Puerto Rico. Then he will abolish the national debt by declaring chapter 7. He will build a golden pyramid at the foot of Mount Rushmore and carve his face into the Moon.

The police will be granted waivers of liability and indemnity. Every woman that is not at least eight and a half will be deported to the Middle East where they wear burkas. If they weigh more than 120 pounds they will be issued a girdle stuffed with explosives and ordered to detonate themselves in the markets and train stations.

President Trump will make America great again. There will be circus and bread. All the cowboys will once again shoot each other until the sole survivor establishes himself as the fastest gun; the only true conservative in a sea of imposters!

Reply to  Sam Eip
7 years ago

Sounds good!

7 years ago

Leftists only threaten from safety.

This is a key lesson that should not be passed by too quickly.

7 years ago

[…] Is #BlackLivesMatter the beginning of a rebellion against the government? […]

the cruncher
the cruncher
7 years ago

Pat Buchanan reminds us that this ain’t nothing compared to the 1960s:

“In 1965, the Watts area of Los Angeles exploded in the worst racial violence since the New York draft riot of 1863 when Lincoln had to send in veterans of Gettysburg. After six days of looting, shooting and arson in LA, there were 34 dead, 1,000 injured, 4,000 arrested.

In 1967, Newark, New Jersey, and Detroit exploded, bringing out not only the Guard but the 82nd Airborne. After Dr. King was assassinated on April 4, 1968, a hundred American cities burst into flame.

Troops defended the White House. Marines mounted machine guns on the Capitol steps. Thousands of soldiers patrolled the city.”

7 years ago

As a longtime ZH reader, I’ll say that they provide excellent financial commentary, all based on the correct premise that you can’t build or fix a real economy with fake money, any more than you could build a sturdy house when all your rulers are made of Silly Putty.

On non-financial topics, most of their commentary is liberaltarian nonsense.

Doctor Mayhem
Doctor Mayhem
7 years ago

Another thing we need to keep in mind, on top of all that you said, is that BLM isn’t even an insurgency. We have rabbits in charge who hate police and military, and are all too happy to get them pointlessly killed.

BLM is nothing more than the shock troops of the liberal establishment, bought and paid for and enabled by the likes of Obama and George Soros.

John Morris
7 years ago

You seem to ascribe agency to BLM, that is a mistake. They are a weapon, nothing more and their handlers do not care how many BLM protesters die and how many of their cities they burn and loot. The model here is Glenn Beck’s (broken clock, etc.) Top down, bottom up, inside out. Their long march is complete and they are ready to transform the country. Doing that requires eliminating the middle class, all socialist revolutions revolve around that. Having hollowed it out from the inside for generations now with the Progressive project they believe that if they hit it hard from above and below it will collapse.

The second mistake is carrying this r/k theory too far. The footsoldiers of the left might be rabbits but the leaders aren’t. They have demonstrated a capability to plan decades, even generations into the future with the Long March.

Maybe The Trumpening derails that project, maybe not. We live in interesting times.

7 years ago

Oh, that he would be elected.

7 years ago

You know, of course, that the blacks are not lacking high IQs behind their movement, anymore than the French revolutionaries, the Bolsheviks, etc., were. Rich, powerful, high-IQ Jews are creating this movement, and without their managerial expertise and funding, there would BE no “black lives matter.”

Like Trump’s commentary on Hillary’s e-mail scandal, you can only talk about #BLM without mentioning Jews unless you’re either (1) crooked, or (2) incompetent.

So, which is it? It’s heavily documented since Ferguson that Soros et. al. created #BLM and have been demonizing police, demonizing whites, promoting black-on-white violence, and pushing for gun control. Protesters are being paid to march, to assault Trump supporters, and dozens of years of school curricula and Zionist movies have taught generations of blacks that killing white people, especially cops, is good.

So–which is it, AC? Are you unable to process this information because it triggers you? Or are you just another “conservative” website trying to misdirect whites toward blacks and liberals, rather than the documented source of wealth redistribution, political-correctness, gun control, gay rights, and #blacklivesmatter?

Whose side are you on? If you’d prefer to sit back and watch whites and blacks fight it out, we have our (((answer.)))

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
7 years ago

IKAGOs too–and Africans and Aztecs and misguided SJWs, et cetera. As far as your anecdotes go, remember that an r-selected person doesn’t have to understand, why, or if, she is “r.” She simply has to have a tendency to act in that way, just as Jews have tendencies to act in the furtherance of Jewish interests, even if they’re also nice and kind and fun and smart and cool. If we’re going to approach this scientifically, though, we go not by our personal emotional wishes and our universal humanitarianist faith in the interchangeability of man, but by data and logic.

The data side is easy. For almost all of written history, we have records of Jewish populations existing as traveling merchants who antagonize their host populations through financial scams and the breakdown of social mores. If we disregard all of that, and go with modern science only, we know that Jews have spent the past century controlling the world’s banks, financial markets, and the entertainment and news media in the western world. I’m not saying this to be anti-Semitic, because Jews say it themselves, but to point out how ridiculous it is to claim that Jews do not act as a group, with group interests.

That’s where your r/K idea stops being helpful. Food for thought:

1) r/K denies the scientifically proven heritability of traits among populations and their offspring. Africans may be more “r” as a genetic group because of the abundance of easily-gathered resources, and the lack of harsh winters, in the areas in which they developed, while Europeans may be more “K” as a genetic group because of the need for high-time-investment agricultural techniques and winter-driven planning in the areas in which they developed. Or there may be some other explanation. In either case, those populations evolved, passing on traits that would increase heritability.

“r” and “K” are ways of looking at this without addressing the tough issue of race, I’ll grant you that. I know how difficult it is to see race; how difficult it is to accept that a lot of what we are, we inherited from our forebears based upon their behavior and genes and environments. But the science just keeps hammering it home. Put a bunch of white people in a city, and the murder rate will be X%. Put a bunch of black people in a city, and the murder rate will be X% + Z%. Etc.

Populations and individuals vary, but the entire point of learning about evolution is that we can understand that great danes are likely to be larger, on average, than toy poodles. r/K will only prove itself a useful model in the long term if it can make itself part of larger evolutionary theory, rather than trying to contradict evolution by claiming that all traits evolve alongside one another identically in radically divergent groups and present only based upon environmental conditions.

2) IS and the Taliban are very K. They are aggressive, have their own code of honor, keep their women in line, and are highly defensive of their in-group. They are violent towards out-groups, willing to sacrifice themselves for concepts of honor, and unwilling to tolerate degeneracy or the breakdown of the social order. They can and do extract natural resources from their territory, sell them on the international market, and maintain strict control of their group, while killing without remorse or hesitation the outsiders who threaten them.

Do you support ISIS/ISIL and/or the Taliban, because they are K? Would you support them wiping out the “r-selected” white university students in Portland, Oregon? Why or why not?

My guess is that you wouldn’t. Why? Because, no matter how you like to admit it or not, you know that there is a fundamental difference between those SJWs in Portland and the K-selected wolves of the Islamic State. You know that the K-world of the Semitic hordes of IS would lead to a barren, desolate wasteland of Islam, which would subsist only on the jizya before the dhimmis died out and the Caliphate fell apart, while the “r-world” of the Portlandia-kids would eventually lead to oil paintings, operas, skyscrapers, technological advances, space travel, and new kinds of automatic salad-preparation kitchen devices.

Why? Because that’s what Europeans do. They are vulnerable to Semitic infiltration, but thousands of years of history have proven that they always bounce back and invent new technologies and build beautiful new societies. You’re going to have to come to terms with the fact that–

3) Even if you play by “r” and “K,” an ethnic group which does not will always beat you. There are, as you say, r-Jews and K-Jews, just as there are r-Euros and K-Euros. The K-Jews fight for their people by mobilizing blacks and Arabs to kill Euros, and by motivating Euro women to demand welfare states, and by motivating Euro societies to support homosexuality, pedophilia, transsexuality, et cetera.

At the same time, the K-Jews support their own r-Jews. They support unlimited military assistance and housing development for Jewish welfarites on the American dollar.

And they are beating the hell out of you at your own game. By pretending that it is about “K,” you empower the K-Jews to steal money from your people and give it to their people. They support the r-Jews because they know that a benefit to the Jewish community will allow them to survive, without having to work, fight, and invent the way white people do. If they can trick you into being against white “r-strategists,” they win.

Here’s the math:

Blacks support blacks, benefiting blacks.
Hispanics support Hispanics, benefiting Hispanics.
Jews support Jews, benefiting Jews.
Whites support all races based upon a universalist philosophy, benefiting all races.

…which group loses out in the long run? Correct. Europe was thriving and expanding until the Semitic religions began pounding it. Now we’re at 6% of the world’s population, rapidly shrinking, riddled with Jewish ads telling our women to date blacks and adopt African orphans, and forced to pay trillions to provide zero interest mortgage to Jewish settlements in Gaza, and HIV medication and food assistance to every African and Semite that Goldman Sachs can import here.

Our weakness throughout all of this struggle has been our inability to understand that other ethnic groups have shared interests, and are willing to fight for them. Blacks see things in ways that will benefit blacks. So do the Japanese, the Chinese, the Hispanics, the Bantu–it’s natural. The Jews will continue playing the game that all other ethnic groups are playing–they will try to benefit their in-group at the expense of others. And they will heartily encourage any naive Gentiles who want to use their own group’s resources to benefit Jews based on a colorblind, Obama-esque philosophy.

Ten thousand years of European winters has forged us to innovate, create, fight, and survive. The Jews spent those ten thousand years moving from society to society, teaching their host populations to redistribute wealth and technology to outsiders. You are seeing that same thing happening to us right now, as Jewish spies give our secrets to China, as Jewish congresspeople and lobbyists give our wealth to Israel, and as Jewish media, and their puppets Obama and Clinton, force us to pay for more Section 8 vouchers to breed a bigger army of cop-killers.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
7 years ago

I empathize with you, sir; this is a tough thing to consider. We know that when Europeoid societies collapse after Jewish attachment, the Jews become more open in their in-grouping. The Bolsheviks murdered dozens of millions of White Christians, and even after dozens of millions more whites had killed each other for the Balfour Declaration, the reward Israel offered in return was feminism, PC, and the insistence that Europe and America admit every rapist and murderer that Africa could possibly produce.

Let Solzhenitsyn and Luther help you through this process a little. Yes, if they finally bleed America dry, the Jews will be defensive of their in-group, and run to Israel to find another foreign host to protect them. But what we can learn from our forebears is not that it is the collapse of societies that causes Jews to look out for each other, but that the collapse of our societies is caused by Jews looking out for each other at our expense.

It’s easy nowadays to find some Jews criticizing immigration. What those Jews will not do, though, is identify the deliberate, systematic, explicitly Jewish nature of the 1965 immigration act, the restructuring of our school curricula to foster anti-white hatred, and the ways that, throughout the entire process, Israel has been exempt from the policies it pushed on Europe and America. That seeming “hypocrisy” isn’t really hypocrisy–it’s just Jews benefiting themselves at our expense. They will train their children with automatic weapons and arm settler communities in the West Bank, behind giant concrete walls, while seizing guns from American whites and pouring Mexicans and Muslims into American neighborhoods.

Without Jewish influence on our societies, there would be very few, if any, White rabbits. We are the builders, the creators, and the survivors. The Muslim Semitics and the Negroids are roving hordes of fruit-gathering, warm-temperature, low-investment-parenters. If we can get the Jewish Semitics to stop tricking us into feeding them and their dangerous pets, and get them to stop teaching our children to feel guilty for inventing civilization, you would see how few white “r strategists” there really are.

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
7 years ago

I’m another one of those so called “wackos” that babbles on about the Jews and I perfectly see your point and it used to be my position. Why did I change? I believe the majority of Jews know the score. Maybe they’re not involved but they know and have made no attempt to reign in their worse sort. 9-11 is what clued my in to this and made my mind up about the situation. The
Jews you call your friends are playing you. Maybe they say they support your positions but they always support the Jews first while also supporting mass degradation of Whites and White society in every way possible or doing nothing to stop their brethren. Whites are constantly taken to task for not telling other Whites to support some leftist gobbledygook of one sort or another and demonized if they do not. What’s good for us is good for Jews also.

As for the religious Jews they’re no better. If your a Christian what’s the end goal. Live a righteous life and go to heaven. The end game of the Jews is we are all their slaves, they own all our property and even worse they say we are all animals and not human. In common colloquial terms fuck that and fuck them.

I do understand your position as I used to have the same but if they can attack us continuously and large masses of them say nothing when this happens they are not your friends or allies they are your enemies. If they actually ever take over everything you will see how close you are to them. You’re an animal to them. Like a horse. Nice as long as it keeps pulling the plough.

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
7 years ago

I forgot to add. You may be loyal to them but they will always betray you.