Jeff Flake Is A Twoface

Jeff Flake is a good example of a face I would never trust.

First there are the easy-going, conflict avoidant, slanted down at the outside, grimace eyebrows, which are supposed to evoke an “I’m in such pain, please don’t hurt me, I would never pose a threat” look:

Don’t trust people with eyebrows like this unless they are in pain, unless you have absolute certainty from experience they are solid.

Then there is the curling of the lips under when he smiles, most evident here (notice also, viewed in isolation, those are not happy eyes):

Lips in an honestly happy smile should not curl under and press against the teeth. That is a manifestation of an underlying anger.

Finally the bifurcation of the emotionally blank expression:

Look at the eyebrows, eyes, and upper cheeks. The eyes, eyebrows, and upper cheeks on the more consciously controlled and manipulated right-side face are not malevolent, and even a little harmless. The other side’s eyes are more focused and dark, and easily capable of fucking you over. That side could be dangerous.

Now look at the mouth. One side is neutral, the other is profoundly dissatisfied, with the outer corners pulled down. Pull the corners of your mouth down, like on his left side, and try to feel what you would feel if you were making that expression.

Notice also, you can just see his teeth, which implies to me he is a mouth breather. Mouth-breathing at rest can be innocent. People break their noses, and can’t breathe through them. But the biggest narcissist I knew was a mouth breather, and it was because he had an underlying unhappiness/sadness that manifested in his facial expression in a flexion of the opposite muscles to those which flare the nostrils open. It seemed to be a part of a suite of muscular contractions that would have also curled his upper lip up, exposing the red parts, while crushing in the area around the nostrils and pulling it down toward the lips.

Here is a child crying, who has shut off airflow through their nostrils. Look at the area immediately around the nostril, and how the area is compressed. Notice also the mouth is wide open, because that is how it is expelling the air as it cries:

Here is Toby Maguire making a mouth/nose configuration similar to my narcissist’s at rest. The main difference was my narcissist at rest and in emotional “neutral,” pulled the corners of his mouth together more, which made the upper lip pucker up more with his mouth slightly open, lending it an idiot quality. He paired it with the Grimace eyebrows. I suspect the underlying mental state was a mixture of sadness and unhappiness at “unfairness,” which was basically just everyone not serving his needs 24/7, giving him everything he wanted all the time.

Finally, here is a murderer crying on his conviction, with all airflow through his nostrils fully cut off:

You can see how that emotional mode will cut off airflow through the nose in that shot. Make the expression yourself and see how the nose closes. It is the exact opposite of flared nostrils. As a result, mouth-breathing probably correlates to some degree with the low level unhappiness that motivates a lot of shitbaggery, which is, in the mind of the perpetrator, just evening things out to rectify the sad unfairness of life. It might explain why being a mouth-breather is considered an insult, and a sign of low status.

Amusingly, Traditional Chinese Medicine references this, in that the nose is an “orifice” or outward representation of the “lung-system,” which is the system responsible for sadness. So a derangement in nose function would relate to a defect in the expression of sadness. All of those emotional-physical associations in TCM are manifestations of the underlying programming in the brain governing emotions, and the physical “modes” of optimized muscular/neural function the body enters into when they are triggered.

The bottom line is this is a huge win for Trump. He’ll endure a day or two of hits from the media, but they were going to hit him anyway about something. On the other side, between Flake and liddle Corker hitting the bricks, the swamp is draining all by itself.

Tell everyone about r/K Theory, because the K-shift is bad for Cucks, but good for freedom

This entry was posted in Betrayal, Bob, Faces, GOPocalypse, ITZ, Politics, Psychology, rabbitry, Treason, Trump. Bookmark the permalink.
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6 years ago

Corker looks like he could be Flakes father. I guess all the low T genes make them look alike. Comey would be their low-T cousin, of course.

6 years ago

>Jeff Flake is a good example of a face I would never trust.

Very spot on, just look at what I found in his Wikipedia:

“In his campaign in 2000, Flake had pledged to serve no more than three terms in Congress which would see him serve no later than January 2007. Shortly after being elected for a third time, Flake announced in early 2005 that he had changed his mind on pledging term limits and was planning to run for reelection in 2006. “It was a mistake to limit my own terms,” Flake said.”

6 years ago

The other thing is he’s a Mormon.

I’ve known many Mormons over the years and most of the grass roots, rank and file people are perfectly fine (in fact many are true “salt of the earth” type people you’d be glad to have as neighbors) but if you achieve any status in the Mormon community you’re corrupt because the upper levels of the Mormon church and their cultural and social institutions are extremely corrupt. Cronyism, dishonesty, back stabbing, the typical “Establishment cuck” type thing (much like those in the Vatican or the leadership in Evangelical mega-churches and the entire Islamic world).

We dodged a bullet when the Dems rigged the 2012 election against Romney.

haus frau
6 years ago

Flake’s face reminds me strongly of Ted Cruz’s melted bull dog face. I dislike looking at either one.