Jorge Ramos Heads Back To His Country

The Univision reporter who Trump humiliated wants to go back:

In the midst of wrapping up a media tour hawking his latest book and on the heels of what he considers – because of the election of Donald Trump – the ‘worst time’ of his 35 years in the United States, Univision anchor Jorge Ramos now says he’s pining to return to Mexico.

In an extensive interview with Spanish-language television personality Jaime Bayly, Ramos, who turned 60 this month, confessed he would like to live in Mexico again, at least “for a while.” “I would like to return to the country I left,” Ramos said with evident nostalgia, calling his desire to return to his homeland “a pending assignment.”

The interesting aspect to studying r and K-psychologies is the knife’s edge of what I call the amygdala-tipping point. That is the spot on the spectrum which differentiates r and K, but also which differentiates those who run toward the chaos, and those who run away from it.

Those on the r side are caught in a self-reinforcing cycle, where their atrophied amygdalae experience such panic at the thought of stress that they flee from it frantically, and thus reinforce their amygdala atrophy, their rabbit status, and their drive to flee from stress.

On the other side are the K’s, who need a certain amount of stressful stimulation, who cannot stand the rabbit’s desired state of mind-numbing ennui, and who reinforce that mindset with every stress they seek out.

It creates this migrant phenomenon, where the migrant who rushes to a new country to diminish amygdala stimulation it was experiencing in its home country, will turn tail and run at the first adversity it experiences in it’s adoptive country.

Once the Apocalypse hits and violence begins, it will be important to put on an immediate, forceful demonstration of the native population’s steadfastness, and unwillingness to cede to the migrants. You will need to shock those migrant amygdalae with clear adversity, because if the locals appear weak and give the impression that they will allow an easy win to the migrants, the migrants will respond with violence and brutality themselves.

Rabbits are the ultimate example of Eric Hoffer’s adage, that those who most aggressively bite the hand that feeds them, lick the boot that stomp them.

Be the boot that stomps them.

Tell friends about r/K Theory, because the rabbits are on the run, right back to where they came from

This entry was posted in Amygdala, Immigration, ITZ, Politics, Psychology, r-stimuli, rabbitry, Splintering, Trump. Bookmark the permalink.
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6 years ago

Vámonos Mr. Ramos. To quote TGE “Out”.

He will probably be teased for his blue eyes in Meh-hico. They accost people with blonde hair there too. It’s funny really, America is so accommodating if he just learned unaccented English, followed the law, and encouraged others to do the same and generally just kept his head down he would be fine. Instead he had to be a little prick and practically crap all over his cage. Then he harassed our President, multiple times. Ain’t life miserable when you’re a coward rabbit? Catapult that SOB over the wall.

6 years ago

[…] Jorge Ramos Heads Back To His Country […]

6 years ago

There’s a lot of stomping that needs to happen. Starting with that pencil-necked, serial-killer faced, shit-talking twink – David Hogg.

That bottle of puke didn’t just come out of nowhere, he’s part of something.

The Left must be exterminated….them and the baizuo.


John Calabro
John Calabro
6 years ago

Hey anonymous, do r’s that move into a new area become K’s when pressures hit and/or is it more the next generations?

I mean during the move to the US (Canada and Australia) a least up to the early 20th century would of had a lot r’s and some K’s. As resources fell short during droughts, famines, war, disease or economic depressions and threats from both Natives and foreign powers would of force a population to either go mostly K, die or fly (run away). Now for a place like America to have as many K’s it could only happen if either the r’s die in larger numbers than K’s, did not have as many children as K’s, they (or their children) become more K or went back to where they came from.

Now I image that there are people that have with both r and K potential in their genetics depending on the environmental factors. At the same time some that are genetically wired for more r or K like attributes no matter the environment. I know you mention DRD4 allele (I guess that is still environmental).

Also is having a majority of K in society always preferable? I mean is having any r’s good in society? I mean it seems to me that a high K in society is not always good. China, Japan, early 20th century US (pre 1916) and Victorian England would be an examples of majority K. Only two would be class as pro war. These societies often ends up being either pro nationalism or pro religious and sometimes both.