K-stimuli – A Surge In Taxpayers Who Owe IRS Penalties

Courtesy of a reader:

Paying taxes is just about as much fun as a root canal. As such, apparently more and more people are just deciding not to do it. As the Wall Street Journal points out today, the IRS saw a 40% surge in returns that owe tax penalties between 2010 and 2015.

Economic problems activate amygdalae. And the more amygdalae you activate, the more rightward that segment of the population will head. And if you have the IRS breathing down your neck, then your amygdalae is super-charged. It is not coincidence that this all culminated in the God-Emperor’s ascendance.

It does point to the political divergence as also maybe having root in an economic divergence, which itself is perhaps rooted in a psychological divergence. r’s are great at exploiting the r-environment, where quality is unimportant and everything is socially mediated. In the r-environment, you can make the crappiest product, but if you can be enough of a narcissistic attention-whore to get publicity, you will sell millions of units. In the r-environment, everyone will want a pet rock, if that is what everyone is talking about. In the Depression era or WWII, not so much.

In the K-environment, quality is more important than attention-whoring. There, men in garages can put together quality products with little fanfare, and build brands solely on reputations of quality and endurance.

Today, we have rabbits in government jobs where quality means nothing, who are raking in six figures with incredible job security. Kim Kardashian makes $51 million per year simply by tweeting pictures of her ass and using the fame from that to endorse products. Meanwhile, other Americans who are instinctually programmed for the K-environment are being fired from Google for being honest, even though they produce quality work – and now they are without any salary.

It is possible as you approach the K-shift that K’s, being less suited to an economy which rewards the r-psychology, will experience shortage first and begin to head more K. Meanwhile, many r’s keep on enjoying free resources from secure government jobs and narcissistic attention whoring, and thus continue to head r.

So the nature of the increasing economic inequality as the K-shift happens may foster even further political divide, further exacerbating the split.

Whatever is going on, we are splitting apart more and more every day.

Spread r/K Theory, because the coming K-world will be what we are designed for

This entry was posted in Conservatives, Decline, Economic Collapse, ITZ, Liberals, Out-grouping, Politics, Psychology, Splintering. Bookmark the permalink.
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6 years ago

USA and V4 will be the future of the Western culture, white race and K-selection.

Many Western countries will fall to commies and islamists, but when the Sovereign Debt Crisis hits, all the idiots are going to die. We are looking at some biblical shit, I would not be surprised to see 90% of the world population die in middle of the Apocalyptic shit fest that is coming (not a question of if, only when).

Our advantage is we have individuals who will take the facts and their implications seriously and will prepare accordingly. At a certain point it will just be a mater of keeping alive while the rest of the world dies from disease, violence and hunger.

And as horrible as it is to say this, it won’t be a bad thing. Why would we pump billions in foreign aid to shithole countries where people reproduce but can never keep themselves alive without external help? Why should our nations pay taxes to keep them alive? Why should our nations indebt their future generations via sovereign debt financed budgets that use part of the budget for foreign aid to keep them alive? And after we feed them, they need medicine. And after the medicine they need schools. And after the schools they need jobs. And they need jobs but their average IQ is in the gutter.

Nature always corrects itself, just prepare for the future in a realistic way and keep pushing. We shall prevail, because we walk the path of light.

Reply to  234534647643632
6 years ago

For people to understand how important it is that we prepare for massive social unrest, read this:


The left will turn ultra violent. They always did without any consequence.

Prepare accordingly.

6 years ago

AC there was a book recommendation on your blog before about exercises or training or something like that. Do you know which it is? Vox Day has a link on his sidebar of all his books he’s written or recommended, that might be a great addition.

6 years ago

I think the K-shift is already showing up in America by elevated mortality rates as a result of opioids. We will also start to see more medical failures and more hospital deaths. Until we arrive in a situation that like in Venezuela 1/3 of all hospital patients die.

We will also see less survival rates from heart disease.

Russia went through a collapse and while barely noticeable to the middle class such a person will likely wake up one day and realize half his classmates are dead.