Venezuelan National Guard Runs Over Protestors

Pretty much the exact wrong thing to do:

Footage emerged Wednesday showing the Venezuelan National Guard using armored riot-control vehicles to run-over protesters in the capital Caracas. President Nicolás Maduro has intensified a crackdown on protests and civil unrest that have cost at least 31 lives in recent weeks.

So what you have down there is a rapidly K-ifying populace, being exposed to the most K of K-stimuli in the form of murders committed of innocent citizens, right in front of the protestors.

I think the success of an r-regime gaining power requires a certain amount of r in the populace until they establish full control. The r can be genetic, it can be environmental, or it can be a combination of both. In order to facilitate their pacification by a rabbit dictatorship, people have to have enough ease that fighting is not necessary to survival, or enough amygdala-atrophy to facilitate cowering despite extreme harshness.

My suspicion is tropical climates tend to be high in r-genes, since real shortage probably doesn’t occur too much in areas with good rainfall and fertile soils. So Maduro has that working for him.

Venezuela however has an immense degree of shortage, which is K-ifying the populace and increasing the tendency toward violence. Now they have an enraging stimulus eating away at them in the form of this violence by the government. Every time something goes wrong, every time their stomachs growl, every time a relative gets sick and dies, they will think of this stimulus, and their hatred of Maduro will grow – as will their amygdalae.

Once this rage reaches an apex, we should airdrop in loaded AKs and RPGs, and let the populace sort its own affairs. If people begin hunting the government’s machinery after hours, I’d expect a freer Venezuela in a very short period of time.

Tell everyone about r/K Theory, because ITZ coming everywhere at some point

This entry was posted in Amygdala, Economic Collapse, ITZ, K-stimuli, Politics, Psychology, rabbitry, Splintering, War. Bookmark the permalink.
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6 years ago

[…] Venezuelan National Guard Runs Over Protestors […]

6 years ago

“My suspicion is tropical climates tend to be high in r-genes, since real shortage probably doesn’t occur too much in areas with good rainfall and fertile soils. So Maduro has that working for him.”

No amount of resources is enough if your population is exploded exponentially. The reason real shortage does not occur too much in tropical climates is not just because of the level of resources, but because populations are brought low pretty quickly by diseases.

6 years ago

Don’t get your hopes up. The average IQ in Venezuela is low and falling. There will be millions upon millions of deaths before this is over.

6 years ago

Not to be too cynical, but Venezuela has larger oil reserves than Saudi Arabia so I suspect the USA will be dropping in eventually. Of course having that much oil and still having the entire country starve is a monument to the failure of socialism.

6 years ago

Your concluding paragraph is applicable to Western Europe, as well.

6 years ago

I personally find it difficult to believe that anyone is going to be shipping AKs and RPGs to these poor guys. If Russia does it our cucked government will raise a stink about it, and our government is pretty much pozzed anyways, Trump or no Trump. The powers that be don’t want people to have the tools needed to fight for their freedom.

6 years ago

I dunno. That goverment titty is a hard thing to rip out of your mouth, especially if you’re a brainwashed leftist who is part of a naturally r population. These are not the sort of people who relish the thought of striking out on their own and striving against the fates for a chance to either win or fail. They want free shit, otherwise they wouldn’t have voted for Mad Maduro.