Nevada Has A Syphilis Outbreak, And Trump Should Be President

STD’s are rising, particularly among gays:

Nevada is experiencing the highest rate of syphilis in the Western U.S. following an outbreak in Las Vegas.

It’s part of a national spike in cases tied to increased testing, a rise in anonymous sex via social media and less consistent use of condoms, health officials say…

Clark County health officials declared an outbreak in Las Vegas last week after noting a 128 percent increase in reported syphilis cases since 2012 — with 615 of the 694 cases involving men diagnosed last year. This makes Nevada’s rate of syphilis the highest in the Western U.S… Meanwhile, youth in the state are having sex at younger ages and using condoms inconsistently or improperly.

The latest available data, from 2014, showed a 15 percent increase in cases overall, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention said. A majority of cases involve men having sex with men.

There’s been an increase in other STDs. The most common, chlamydia, has risen to record levels.

Condom use and STD avoidance is amygdala related. Clearly in some circles, amygdalae are continuing to atrophy further than they are atrophied even now. Given that the last two major viral outbreaks, Ebola and Zika both were found to be sexually transmitted, this will not bode well for the rabbits as we wait on the next major pandemic.

As the Apocalypse approaches, it seems as if r and K are diverging more and more at the outer margins. r’s are becoming hyper-r, lacking all responsibility, losing all ability to tolerate harshness, and demanding more free resources for everyone. As they inch toward those goals, their amygdalae atrophy further, their demands increase, and the cycle advances.

Meanwhile, K’s are entering a much more irritated state due to the discomfort of seeing such extreme rabbitism. As a result, more and more they feel as if action is unavoidable. As the irritation grows, it seems the amygdala develops ever greater power to apply force, and as it does irritation grows more, and so does the amygdala’s development. This is the cognitive path to civil war.

What would make it worse would be a conservative leader who enacted conservative policy, but was afraid to take on the left with rhetoric, and humiliate them over their various frailties. An example would be George W. Bush, who refused to ever stoop to humiliating leftists. Where he did enact K-selected policy, his refusal to humiliate the left when it challenged him only made the left fight harder, since they were presented with an amygdala-stimulating policy, and no countervailing amygdala force stopping them from fighting it. As a result, fighting it only felt good, so they did it more and more.

Bush’s mental conditioning of the left actually put the left on the cognitive path to the manic frenzy we see today, where indecipherable insults are divined and called dogwhistles and micro-aggressions, before major campaigns are launched to eradicate them. You don’t stop that peacefully with reason or logic – you stop that peacefully with raucous humiliation and embarrassment, in front of the entire nation. Only a President has that bully pulpit.

Trump is what the country needs, because the only way to dial back the mechanism producing our worsening political divide is to reduce liberalism. The only way to reduce liberalism peacefully is with a concerted application of psychological amygdala stimulation through public humiliation. Of all the candidates, only Trump has the ability to activate liberal amygdalae again and again, developing the structure, making adherence to liberalism psychologically unpleasant, and thereby driving the left more toward the center. As the left finds advancing leftism humiliating, it will head rightward subconsciously to reduce that unpleasantness. As a result, the stress on the right will diminish, the right will become less vociferous, and the political divide will reduce further.

This is what Reagan did. By marginalizing the left as extremely as he could, by making the very word “liberal” a pejorative, he united the nation around a much more K-selected ideological stance. That unified the country, and made America great again.

Trump can do that again, and there is no one else in the race who can.

This entry was posted in Amygdala, Anxiety, Conservatives, GOPocalypse, K-stimuli, Liberals, Out-grouping, Pandemic, Politics, Psychological Manipulation, rabbitry, Trump. Bookmark the permalink.
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michael claridge
michael claridge
7 years ago

December 26, 2015 – STD Report
Donald Trump
Donald Trump has an advanced case of neurosyphilis. This is evidenced by his numerous totally insane rants. He is completely losing his mind due to untreated neurosyphilis.

Do not listen to this man, he is just spewing bullshit due to his neurosyphilis. Avoid at all costs. Never have sex with him or you will become a raving lunatic.

Neurosyphilis is a bacterial infection of the brain or spinal cord. It usually occurs in people who have had untreated syphilis for many years.

Symptoms usually affect the nervous system. Depending on the form of neurosyphilis, symptoms may include any of the following:

Abnormal walk (gait), or unable to walk
Numbness in the toes, feet, or legs
Problems with thinking, such as confusion or poor concentration
Mental problems, such as depression or irritability
Headache, seizures, or stiff neck
Tremors, or weakness
Visual problems, even blindness

Donald Delacroix
Donald Delacroix
7 years ago

A lot of people are saying that Trump has untreated syphilis. A lot of people. I don’t know whether he does or not, but that’s what they’re saying. You know, if so many people are saying it, it could be true.