Note to Self… Don’t Facebook About Armed Extractions

Lots of hard lessons for the Apocalypse on what not to do.

Two men and a woman were arrested Tuesday morning after a cache of loaded guns and 2,000 rounds of ammo were found when their truck was stopped by Port Authority police at the Holland Tunnel in New Jersey, authorities say.

According to NBC New York one of the suspects told investigators they were driving to Queens to try to save a heroin-addicted friend who was being held against her will. Police said they were looking for the woman in Queens, the news station reports. Cramsey had posted on Facebook early Tuesday morning about his planned mission to save a girl from a Brooklyn hotel.

Picture of the truck here.

Do not post on facebook about heading to a socialist shithole like New York City to do an armed extraction of someone.

Do not do it in a gaudy combat vehicle with kick-ass gun slogans painted all over it.

Do not bring an arsenal with you that is visible from outside.

And always assume you are being watched.

If you haven’t figured it out, this guy probably wasn’t stopped by chance. I would assume his facebook posts were picked up as they went out the night before by internet traffic monitoring, or maybe even a CI inserted into his social circle. Surveillance probably followed him from the moment he left his house, as tech watched him post facebook updates from his car, and some central controlling authority guided the uniformed unit to him.

Regardless of all of that, I would assume that any socialist big city will stop any vehicle with that much RKBA stuff on it. However he was ID’d, the stop was just a pretext.

You can be an Islamist terrorist who was complicit in an attack today, and they won’t monitor you or keep you under coverage for fear of violating your rights to privacy.

Attorney General Loretta Lynch admitted today that the FBI is unaware of the whereabouts of Omar Mateen’s wife, Noor Salman…

“Has the shooter’s wife left the state of Florida?”…

“Right now, I don’t know exactly the answer to that,” Lynch candidly replied.

But don’t assume that means that they are lacking in resources, and as a conservative you won’t be watched. If you are conservative, they are monitoring the feeds closely, and if you are interesting in even the most minor way to the powers that be, you will get the resources. I have little doubt we would all be shocked at how filled out our files are.

This guy was a loose cannon possibly about to make us all look bad. He needed to be reined in before he created an incident. But don’t lose the lessons in his story. There’s a storm on the horizon, and if it turns bad, those lessons are what will get you through it. Bet on being watched, and don’t gamble you have a window of privacy to do anything.

The fact they were on him, and not on the Islamists, should let us all know that they are on us, and the nation at present appears to view us as the real enemy.

We will know a lot more once we see if Trump changes that.

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7 years ago

[…] Note to Self… Don’t Facebook About Armed Extractions […]

7 years ago

Gray-man principle would have served these clowns well. Hell, any boxer with any sense will tell you, never ever telegraph your next move. Hell, I even played a computer war-game back in the day when I was a kid, where you never turned your active radar on. Good players always went passive and acquired enemy targets visually. I honestly don’t see how serious these clowns were about what they were trying to do. Only thing I can think of to explain this is the clowns were trying to drum up publicity for their business.

7 years ago

Although one way to view them is as highly K-selective. Granted there was stimulation (one of them lost a child to a drug overdose). What one of the K-selective when reading about people, particularly children, teens, or young adults being doesn’t want to ‘administer justice’ when those authorized to do so seem unwilling to.