Now Even The Cucks Are Talking Divorce

From Mises:

Is America Really Coming Apart, As Charles Murray Suggests?

A new Rasmussen poll reports that a majority of voters think so, and it certainly feels that way. Since Donald Trump’s election in November, the pace and intensity of deeply divisive rhetoric has accelerated. Antifa and the Alt-Right are literally fighting in the streets. Combative talking heads on cable news, vicious social media exchanges, riots at universities, a bitter special election in Georgia, and even the shooting of a congressman have both sides rethinking the entire political process and talking about abandoning the “rule of law…”

But one conservative offers a workable answer to our unsettling situation. Angelo Codevilla, retired professor of the Claremont Institute recently wrote a remarkable article titled “The Cold Civil War…”

The obvious and reasonable option staring us all in the face is to go our separate ways. Let us consider political secession, radical decentralization, nullification, and localism as the realistic alternatives to a much more unpleasant conflict. Let us reconsider living as a loose confederation of states. 320 million vastly diverse people, from Anchorage to San Francisco to Topeka to Miami, cannot be governed by a top-down central authority in Washington.

Surely divorce, in whole or in part, is better than an abusive marriage.

What this tells you is two things. One, even the cucks see where things are heading, and they are afraid. These are the guys who would previously have laughed at anyone saying a civil war might happen. Now they are beginning to worry.

Two, the K-shift mixes with the gulf between the rich and the poor to exacerbate tensions during the K-shift. K’s who are in the lower strata will go hyper K, and produce hyper-K leadership movements. Meanwhile rabbits in the upper economic strata, already highly rabbitized, continue to slide even further toward r. The two can never get along, and it only gets worse as time goes on.

The combination between a K-ifying grassroots, and a rabbitized leadership caste that blindly heads even more ridiculously r in the face of the K-movement, means that societal unification cannot occur until conditions deteriorate so badly that even the ultra-rabbitized in their secure bubbles and safe spaces are exposed to harshness and mortality, molding everyone into uniform K-strategists.

The thing is, by the time things get bad enough that even the upper rabbits are getting it, the savages will have had a good run going apeshit, the lower K’s will have been exposed to sufficient amygdala-agitation that anything is possible on their end if they feel threatened, and it is likely the government will be fully broke and dissolving from lack of resources itself anyway.

Added to that, the rabbits can never let some areas just go conservative because that would mark the onset of K, and allow a fierce competitor to arise that could pose a threat later. For the rabbits either r-selection is everywhere and all K’s are forced into subservience, or the rabbits are just waiting for the shortage to get bad enough that they are killed. Even as we do not think in these terms in these times, for the rabbits that perception is deeply instinctual. They will never accept K anywhere, just as a narcissist cannot tolerate happiness anywhere.

There will be no amiable separation, because the rabbits will never allow it. They will try to hold everything together, things will crash and burn, and then one side or the other will win and the other side will be destroyed.

That is how r/K selection works when K returns.

Spread r/K Theory, because one side or the other will win in the end

This entry was posted in Amygdala, Conservatives, Cuckservatives, Decline, Economic Collapse, ITZ, K-stimuli, Liberals, Politics, Psychology, r-stimuli, rabbitry, War. Bookmark the permalink.
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Joe Smith
Joe Smith
6 years ago

Exactly right. EXACTLY right.

The cucks *still* don’t get that with the left, if they are anywhere in proximity they will immediately termite into your system and try undoing it.

A bunch of rabbits in Colorado will simply not abide a Wyoming or South Dakota that requires specific criteria before you can settle in their state. A development whose time may have come to be honest.

The rabbits only had to listen…

6 years ago

[…] Now Even The Cucks Are Talking Divorce […]

6 years ago

The savages going ape. Love it. That will last all of half a day in my neck of the woods. Of course, there are still idiots not arming up or stockpiling. They will be victims, statistics and they and their families forgotten as bones in some ruins between the former cities and countryside. All bubbles pop. The chaos will take the continent down with it, with Mexico and Canada collapsing as well, each becoming three or more separate entities. But out of the ashes a new country will emerge, more like traditional America and composed of the common type of folk that live between the Appalachia and the Rockies. This was the rock that post WWII America was built upon and the rock shall remain.

6 years ago

It’s utter idiocy to think that rabbits, accustomed to the virtual enslavement of the productive (mostly Ks) would ever allow their slaves to secede. Those who posit this are fools or liars.

John Calabro
John Calabro
6 years ago

I don’t know if Jeff Deist is a cuck. I could be wrong but I say this one he is a libertarian most likely since Mises is an Libertarian organization and he is the current President. Two Libertarians have been going on about State secession for a long time.

I remember reading this from Tom Woods back in 2013 on his book but I will put this video from him in 2012
And i know that Hans-Hermann Hopp has been speaking on this subject since 2001.

Three mostly from his past articles I would find it hard to say cuck unlike Jeffrey Tucker but I don’t know this guy well enough.
I know he support the idea of people having the right to refuse services to people for whatever reason including race and against PC. Here are some articles that might change your mind on the guy.

I put some of the articles

“Let’s face it: Today’s conservatives don’t conserve anything, except political jobs. And the GOP is a party that never stood for much of anything, except war and banks.

The modern GOP is a globalist, militarist, corporatist, and anti-populist. The Right chose neoconservatism over non-interventionism, Wall Street over Main Street, city over the country, and the managerial state in DC over federalism and state’s rights. They chose the Fed over gold, Lockheed Martin over Woolworth, and Goldman Sachs over your Hometown Bank and Trust. They rejoiced in the rise of the 20th-century imperial presidency. They chose supply-side over laissez-faire, Milton Friedman over Mises, tax credits over constitutionalism. They embraced the welfare and regulatory states, instead of making the optimistic case for capitalism and ownership and opportunity. They’ve allowed the Left to cast them as racists and reactionaries. They blessed entitlements just to keep their cushy seats in Congress and their political perks. They chose to nationalize social issues and cede huge amounts of illegal power to the Supreme Court. They chose John McCain and Mitt Romney over Ron Paul!!!”

“Political Correctness Defined

But what exactly is PC? Let me take a stab at defining it: Political correctness is the conscious, designed manipulation of language intended to change the way people speak, write, think, feel, and act, in furtherance of an agenda.

PC is best understood as propaganda, which is how I suggest we approach it. But unlike propaganda, which historically has been used by governments to win favor for a particular campaign or effort, PC is all-encompassing. It seeks nothing less than to mold us into modern versions of Marx’s un-alienated society man, freed of all his bourgeois pretensions and humdrum social conventions.

Like all propaganda, PC fundamentally is a lie. It is about refusing to deal with the underlying nature of reality, in fact attempting to alter that reality by legislative and social fiat. A is no longer A.”

Reply to  John Calabro
6 years ago

Since womens suffrage, 75% of western populations vote left (women and mangina’s). The political right has been ever more diluted since suffrage. If the right wants to get anything done politically they have to pander to the great left majority.

In my western country, the major leftist party is middle to far left. The major conservative party (coalition) is slightly to middle left.

Duke Norfolk
Reply to  John Calabro
6 years ago

Indeed Tom Woods and Jeff Deist are among the better libertarians. I’ve followed Tom for some years now and respect him a lot, but these two (among others) still largely cling to the notion of a blank slate. They won’t let go of the idea that any people from anywhere can adopt the principles of libertarianism and all will be well. It’s naive’ and foolish. They’re still afraid of being called racist, etc.

It’s possible that Tom is closer to accepting the tenets of the alt-right than is apparent right now (there are hints in his words of late), but he’s also too invested in a libertarian identity to make a quick shift away, so this may take a while. I hope to see him speak the real truth before long. We’ll see.