Obamacare Stashed $9 Billion In Private Bank Accounts

Say what?

The controversial “Obamaphone” program, which pays for cellphones for the poor, is rife with fraud, according to a new government report released Thursday that found more than a third of enrollees may not even be qualified.

Known officially as the Lifeline Program, the phone giveaway became a symbol of government waste in the previous administration. Now a new report from the Government Accountability Office bears out those concerns.

The report, requested by Sen. Claire McCaskill, Missouri Democrat, also says the program has stashed some $9 billion in assets in private bank accounts rather than with the federal treasury, further increasing risks and depriving taxpayers of the full benefit of that money…

“We’re currently letting phone companies cash a government check every month with little more than the honor system to hold them accountable, and that simply can’t continue,” she said.

If we are not getting the benefit of that money, that means it is accruing interest that somebody is enjoying. Where is that interest going? What private accounts has it been placed in? How is its spending being tracked? Why was it done that way?

And on top of it, there are almost certainly a lot of ghost Obamaphones out there that don’t actually exist, but which the government has paid for.

Not really surprising. Peak r is going to be marked by corruption and graft of the highest order, because when resources are free, nobody cares enough about them being wasted to fight it.

It gives you an idea how much Trump has to deal with though.

Tell everyone about r/K Theory, because unlike government, it isn’t ripping you off

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6 years ago

[…] Obamacare Stashed $9 Billion In Private Bank Accounts […]

6 years ago

9 B? That’s half a wall. And the dumbasses couldn’t even give away all them sailfones.

Jaded Jurist
Jaded Jurist
6 years ago

If the people responsible for this were in Venezuela, they’d be human candles.

Sam J.
Sam J.
6 years ago

There’s no reason we couldn’t have all government spending accounted for on one average personal computer. They just refuse to.

Someone should go to jail over this. If I were to do this they would hang me.

Star Tripper
Star Tripper
6 years ago

One of the great beneficiaries of the Obamaphone scam is Carlos Slim, the Mexican telecom billionaire who owns a good portion of the New York Times.

Darling Tinkerton
Darling Tinkerton
6 years ago

Ah so that’s how so many poor blacks could pay for cellphones! I wondered.