Food Stamps Support Online Shopping

For when you don’t want to have to shop:

The U.S. Department of Agriculture plans to launch a two-year pilot program this summer with seven retailers to allow food stamp recipients the ability to purchase their groceries online.

More than 44 million Americans participated last year in federal government’s low-income food assistance program, called SNAP, or the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program. Last year, the average benefit each person received was just over $125.50 per month.

“Online purchasing is a potential lifeline for SNAP participants living in urban neighborhoods and rural communities where access to healthy food choices can be limited,” USDA Secretary Tom Vilsack said in a release. “We’re looking forward to being able to bring the benefits of the online market to low-income Americans participating in SNAP.”

The pilot program will take place in seven states, in both urban and rural areas…

Amazon will participate in the pilot in Maryland, New Jersey and New York. The six other retailers selected include: FreshDirect in New York; Safeway in Maryland, Oregon and Washington; ShopRite in Maryland, New Jersey and Pennsylvania; as well as Hart’s Local Grocers and Dash’s Market in certain New York locations.

One in seven Americans is on food stamps? Imagine the K-selection if one in seven Americans was starving.

No word on how delivery charges are handled.

What I wonder is if this is an attempt to avoid having food be sold in specific places that the public can access, which could be targeted by flashmobs in an Apocalypse scenario. Local delivery from hardened, and defendable warehouses would make piracy much more difficult, and less profitable.

Not that it matters. When the system goes down, only an idiot would be accepting electronic currency transfers in return for goods and services.

Spread r/K Theory online, because you won’t have to go out

Posted in Economic Collapse, ITZ, K-stimuli, Politics, r-stimuli, rabbitry | 5 Comments

Who Is Trump Hiring – James Mattis

Trump hires quality:

For this unusual dinner, elegant tables were set in the hallway of the Pentagon’s E Ring. As immediate office staff, we were expected to serve the wounded warriors their dinner, help them to their seats, and attend to whatever they needed. A small Army band played at the top of the stairs and my Army friend—who years later became my husband—helped his fellow officers bring service members no longer able to use their legs up the stairs.

It may sound like a surprisingly festive occasion for a group of people who had little to be thankful for—except that they were still alive. But it was indeed festive. Then-Lieutenant General Mattis — who, as a two-star, had commanded the First Marine Division during the invasion of Iraq — was there among the senior military leaders, incredibly gracious spending time with all the young men (there were no women yet among the wounded at that point) and kneeling down to hear their stories.

I wasn’t supposed to eat dinner there—just help serve it—but General Mattis insisted that I sit at his table, probably to break up the all-male atmosphere. A young soldier, probably no more than 18, was at our table. He was starving and devoured his beautiful dinner in just a few minutes. I will never forget the moment when General Mattis took his own untouched meal, cleared the young soldier’s plate himself, and gave him a fresh plate of his food. Mattis went without dinner that night, not making a big deal out of it, keeping the table laughing, and making sure all those young warriors were attended to.

I can’t write this story without tears coming to my eyes.

I remember a Freeper who told the story of being in a mess hall when Wesley Clark came through, and threw a fit because all of the peons below him didn’t hustle out of his way fast enough when he cut to the front of the line. You can see that kind of amygdala in his eyes.

Rabbits do not have the circuitry for loyalty or real love. It just isn’t there. They can eat and live alongside a sibling for years, and then dine happily right along side its dead body. They just have no concern beyond their own immediate happiness. In the r-selected environment, where there is never conflict, there is just no reason to adopt a loyal psychology willing to sacrifice for others.

Organisms that evolved in an environment where their reproductive success depended on the success of their group and family will have individuals who care for the well being of their fellow group-members.

It is pretty obvious where Mattis falls on the scale, as well as it is with Trump.

Spread r/K Theory, because we need to establish the battle lines for the Apocalypse

Posted in Conservatives, K-stimuli, Politics, Psychology, Trump | 7 Comments

Anti-Surveillance Clothing Confuses Face Recognition

Anti-surveillance is the new black:

New anti-surveillance clothing has been developed, allowing wearers to prevent security cameras which use facial recognition technology from recognizing them. The clothing uses complex colored patterns of digitalized faces, and parts of faces, to overload and trick facial recognition software.

The patterned design of the clothing overwhelm and confuse facial recognition systems by presenting them with too many faces to read simultaneously.

Mashable reports that the clothing was produced as part of the Hyperface project, which prints patterns of eyes, noses, and mouths onto clothing and textiles.

Computer algorithms on which facial recognition technology relies recognize these complex patterns printed on the cloths as a face, and try to match the “face” to a real face in the database. The algorithms find themselves having to deal with so many “faces” at once, that they do not know which of the faces is the real one.

Adam Harvey, a Berlin-based artist and technologist, is behind the Hyperface project. He was also behind an earlier anti-surveillance, the CV Dazzle, which also aimed to disrupt facial recognition software.

The earlier project developed a dazzling florescent makeup and hairstyling which disrupted surveillance software…

In his CCC talk, Harvey presented the audience with a street scene from 1910, in which every passerby wore a hat that covered their face.

“In 100 years from now, we’re going to have a similar transformation of fashion and the way that we appear.

When the revolution begins, people will be printing out stickers with their license plate numbers and sticking them on delivery trucks, putting stickers with pictures of their faces on taxis, and wearing white see-through balaclavas and sunglasses everywhere. I could even see everyone settling down on a standard outfit, like a red hoodie and blue jeans, so when they hit the street, they disappear into a sea of identical individuals in white balaclavas, red hoodies, and blue jeans. Assuming you had the battery out of your cell phone, and your credit cards and IDs were in a foil faraday wrapping in your pocket, and you were not somehow “tagged,” it would make following you quite difficult.

And you thought everyone dressed the same and shaved their head in the future because they were trying to be a seamless part of the collective. In reality, they were all trying to lose their surveillance coverage.

Talk about r/K Theory, because once everyone is talking about it, the only way to disappear into the crowd will be talk about it too

Posted in Conspiracy, Surveillance, Technology | 14 Comments

Schumer Slips And Says Who Is Really In Control

It is funny they just say it so casually:

The new leader of Democrats in the Senate says Donald Trump is being “really dumb” for picking a fight with intelligence officials…

“Let me tell you: You take on the intelligence community — they have six ways from Sunday at getting back at you,” said Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer…

“So, even for a practical supposedly hard-nosed businessman, he’s being really dumb to do this,” he added.

Everybody knows, the President doesn’t really control the country. His own intelligence agencies will turn on him if they don’t feel lavished with praise, and it isn’t even viewed as shocking.

Fortunately Trump has intel professionals on staff, and Michael Flynn right next to him.

I hope they are smart enough to have a plan to infiltrate their people to where the real secrets nobody wants out are kept, because if Trump wants to play hard, he needs to be holding the power to bring everything down, Sampson-style, should the need arise.

He can only have that through blackmail, and if I were him that would be my primary focus.

Tell everyone about r/K Theory, because it is a secret that needs to get out

Posted in Conspiracy, Intel, Politics | 4 Comments

Wall Street Banks Hold $2 Trillion In Exposure TO European Banks

Not confidence inspiring:

“U.S. global systemically important banks (G-SIBs) have more than $2 trillion in total exposures to Europe. Roughly half of those exposures are off-balance-sheet…U.S. G-SIBs have sold more than $800 billion notional in credit derivatives referencing entities domiciled in the EU.”

When a Wall Street bank buys a credit derivative, it is buying protection against a default on its debts by the referenced entity like a European bank or European corporation. But when a Wall Street bank sells credit derivative protection, it is on the hook for the losses if the referenced entity defaults. Regulators will not release to the public the specifics on which Wall Street banks are selling protection on which European banks but just the idea that regulators would allow this buildup of systemic risk in banks holding trillions of dollars in insured deposits after the cataclysmic results of similar hubris in 2008 shows just how little has been accomplished in terms of meaningful U.S. financial reform.

So not only will our banks go under when their depositors find out all their money was invested in worthless investments that ended up being worth nothing. Our banks will have to pay insurance payouts to the European Banks which invested their depositor savings and checking account balances in worthless investments that ended up being worth nothing.

It has the desperate feel of the last stages of a Ponzi scheme, where our banks needed money to pay out withdrawals to depositors, but they were not going to have the cash, so they said to the European banks, “Sure we’ll cover all your trillions in losses later on. Just give us a few hundred million now so when our depositors make withdrawals, we can give them some money and they won’t know anything is wrong.” It seems almost as if had they not done this, they would have had to admit they have no money and turn away depositors who tried to make withdrawals, and the bank runs would have begun. It puts a new spin on all those stories a few years back of people trying to withdraw their savings in cash, and banks telling them they couldn’t do that.

Whenever all of Trump’s winning and endless success makes you scared that maybe he will stave off the Apocalypse, never forget that there are still a lot of greedy immoral imbeciles in charge of everything, and they might as well be working specifically to bring everything down at some point. There are still multiple Apocalypses coming at us from all different directions, and any one will set all the others off.

Trump will probably be the anti-Obama. Obama, through regulations, taxes, and a general animus toward success suppressed the business community artificially, to the point that just removing his actions from the picture could produce a bubble. Now Trump will go in the other direction. He will undo everything Obama did, and enact his own pro-business/pro-success policies, which should ignite a bubble that will last until the next President returns to the status quo, by which point, if it hasn’t already, it will all come down at once. With this many trigger points, all it will take is one to get the contagion started.

In the interim, to steal a line from The Matrix, we’re going to need guns… lots of guns. The anarchy that is coming will be epic.

Spread r/K Theory, because we only have a small window of breathing room now to set the stage for K

Posted in Decline, Economic Collapse, ITZ, K-stimuli, Trump | 3 Comments

Now Women Are Marrying Themselves

On the bright side a narcissist will have no trouble cheating on themselves, so they can still bang around:

On the rooftop of her Brooklyn apartment building this past spring, Erika Anderson put on a vintage-style white wedding dress, stood before a circle of her closest friends, and committed herself — to herself.

“I choose you today,” she said. Later she tossed the bouquet to friends and downed two shots of whiskey, one for herself and one for herself. She had planned the event for weeks, sending invitations, finding the perfect dress, writing her vows, buying rosé and fresh baguettes and fruit tarts from a French bakery. For the decor: an array of shot glasses emblazoned with the words “You and Me.” In each one, a red rose…

Self-marriage is a small but growing movement, with consultants and self-wedding planners popping up across the world. In Canada, a service called Marry Yourself Vancouver launched this past summer, offering consulting services and wedding photography. In Japan, a travel agency called Cerca Travel offers a two-day self-wedding package in Kyoto: You can choose a wedding gown, bouquet, and hairstyle, and pose for formal wedding portraits. On the website I Married Me, you can buy a DIY marriage kit: For $50, you get a sterling silver ring, ceremony instructions, vows, and 24 “affirmation cards” to remind you of your vows over time. For $230, you can get the kit with a 14-karat gold ring…

Marriage (to another person) is on the decline. Barely half of all adults in the U.S. are married — a record low — according to a 2011 study from the Pew Research Center. In 1960, 72 percent of adults age 18 and older were married, while today, just 51 percent are wed. People are waiting longer to marry as well: The median age at first marriage is at a new high for brides (26.5 years) and grooms (28.7 years).

Nonetheless, the stigma for single women remains. “It’s left over from centuries of one kind of marriage pattern and one path for women,” Traister says. She recalls reading books as a girl in which the story always ended when the heroine got married, as if that were the ultimate goal. “We’re set up as a culture to treat marriage as the most exciting thing you’ll ever do in your life,” she says. “But if you marry yourself, you can say: My life is just as meaningful as the life of the person who happens to be getting married.”

Things are changing in some strange way, such that some of the people today are no longer comfortable with the ways of the past. All of the changes in preference are changes which would aid one to exploit a resource glut, and they encompass such diverse areas as child-rearing, sexual preferences, sexual age-preference, economic distribution, aggressiveness, competitiveness, monogamy, and loyalty.

If you have never heard of r/K Theory, all of that must be bewildering. And yet if you know r/K it is not just understandable, it is all entirely predictable. Even the switch from a loyal, pro-social attitude to a more envious, selfish, duplicitous, conflict-avoidant, backstabbing, traitorous, self-absorbed psychology is explained:

After eight years of magnanimous humility, servility and deferential governance toward his political opposition, ‘President selfless‘ awards himself the Medal of Distinguished Public Service. Thus, President Obama officially declares himself the greatest public servant during his own tenure.

No. Really, not kidding. He did.

If you expect free resources awarded without any cost, this does not seem strange. If you expect a world of competition, where accomplishment arises from objective assessment of quality, it is weird.

That is why this blog continues. That one idea, that politics is actually the intellectual expression of underlying reproductive strategies, will eventually revolutionize politics. It is just too powerful to suppress, because it explains so much.

When it finally hits, it will have to be taught widely, infecting young minds across the globe, and then everything will change.

Spread r/K Theory, because you want to be a part of the new revolution

Posted in Conservatives, Decline, K-stimuli, Liberals, Narcissists, Pedophilia, Politics, Psychology, r-stimuli, rabbitry, Sexual Deviance | 14 Comments

Was The Fort Lauderdale Airport Shooter, Esteban Santiago A Muslim?

Interestingly, in this shot Esteban Santiago has what could be a Muslim beard, as he flashes the single finger gesture that represents “there is only one god, and Mohammed is his messenger.”

Interestingly, another latino, Jose Padilla, had ties to Fort Lauderdale:

After serving his last jail sentence, Padilla converted to Islam.[3] One of his early religious instructors was an Islamic teacher who professed a nonviolent philosophy, and Padilla appeared at the time to be faithful to his mentor’s teachings.[4] While living in Fort Lauderdale, Florida, Padilla attended the Masjid Al-Iman mosque, as did Adham Amin Hassoun, “for most of the 1990s and [they] were reportedly friends.”[5]

According to reports he was known to the FBI, who interviewed him, but they concluded he had mental health problems after he apparently told them something about the US government forcing him to watch ISIS recruitment videos. Of course a wily operator who had been caught watching ISIS recruitment videos online could feign mental illness when questioned, to avoid becoming a target of government attention.

Update – Also lived minutes from the only mosque in Alaska:

Just FYI – his old address in Anchorage, if correct, is 7 minutes from a fairly new mosque. Just saying.

1200 W Dimond Blvd #206, Anchorage, AK 99515

New mosque address is E 80th Ave & Spring St, Anchorage, AK 99518

Map quest says 7 minutes away.

Tell others about r/K Selection Theory in politics, because the conservatives who review it love it

Posted in Muslims | 20 Comments

ISIS Runs Out Of Cash

This is suspicious:

ISIS ON THE BRINK: Terror group COMPLETELY runs out of cash to pay jihadis defending Mosul…

Residents said that the jihadis’ high command no longer has enough cash to bankroll the few thousand of militants left stranded in the city, who are facing obliteration as Iraqi troops and Kurdish freedom fighters close in their net.

Desperate ISIS fighters have even apparently resorted to smuggling civilian families out of the city in return for bribes, even though their orders are to use locals as human shields…

Jihadi militants usually receive a standard wage of around £280 a month but the money has now reportedly completely dried up following reports the terror group is facing a funding crisis.

Donald is moving in and Obama is moving out, and just like that ISIS runs out of cash, right at this moment?

It makes you wonder if Obama shut down the funding, so he could begin disappearing any evidence of the program before Donald takes over.

Just amazing, Trump is winning each day already, and he hasn’t even taken office yet.

Spread r/K Theory, and help Donald destroy ISIS

Posted in Conspiracy, Liberals, Muslims, rabbitry, Trump, War | 3 Comments

Obamacare Repeal Initially To Cost $9 Trillion

Not the final price tag after whatever replaces it is enacted, but…

Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky.) will oppose the Republican budget resolution designed to begin the process of unwinding the Affordable Care Act, making him possibly the only member of the majority to break ranks.

In a speech scheduled for later Wednesday, he will criticize the resolution for assuming $9 trillion in additional debt over the next 10 years.

Since each President, to date, has had to roughly double the national debt just to keep things afloat, that will raise what Donald will likely leave as a $40 Trillion debt into a $50 Trillion debt.

Now Donald is a bright guy, and after negotiated drug prices and service fees, and cost cutting and waste management, he will probably save money in the end. That is why he scares me. The economic system is the immovable object, and yet Trump seems the unstoppable force.

And yet, Obama created a system where everybody who lacks money has to have essentially free healthcare, which is then paid for by everyone. Whereas one person paying their own way might skimp here and there to save costs, when the final cost is totaled and divvied up among everyone, nobody at the free end of the scale will bother. I just do not see how that, added up to all the other debt bombs, can ever be dealt with absent default or inflation.

The Apocalypse is almost certainly still on, though Donald will likely delay it a bit, given the audacity of his current moves.

Tell others about r/K Theory, because even Donald can’t hold off K-selection forever

Posted in Economic Collapse, ITZ, K-stimuli, Politics, r-stimuli, Trump | 2 Comments

1000 Man Mob Runs Amuck On New Years Eve In Germany

It is becoming a trend:

At New Year’s Eve celebrations in Dortmund a mob of more than 1,000 men chanted ‘Allahu Akhbar’, launched fireworks at police, and set fire to a historic church.

Already by 7 pm a man was hospitalised with first-degree burns to his face and hands after fireworks were hurled at a group of homeless people outside the city’s main train station. More than two dozen people were injured at festivities in Dortmund, some seriously.

The events of the night were described as “quiet” by police in a statement, and as “normal” by a spokesman for the city government.

Meanwhile in Austria,

Austrian police are investigating an unprecedented number of sexual assaults carried out by a group of men on New Year’s Eve in the western city of Innsbruck, an official said Wednesday.

Some 18 women reported having been groped by up to 10 individuals on Innsbruck’s main square where around 25,000 gathered to ring in 2017, senior police official Ernst Kranebitter said.

“We’ve not had anything like this happen here before,” Kranebitter told AFP.

This is why the countries the refugees are fleeing from are such violent shitholes. Their people are violent and thuggish by their nature. That the European leaders would purposely import people from violent countries, and expect them to be peaceful is beyond comprehension.

It is unbelievable Europe is now facing perhaps one of the most violent and brutal civil wars any people have ever faced, and the leaders are too stupid to be able to see what is blatantly obvious to even idiots. It will be a continent-wide, neighborhood-to-neighborhood, house to house war, it is totally avoidable, and it is practically being created purposefully.

Even more amazingly, the leftists doing this have no idea how they are going to utterly destroy the leftism they so dearly cherish.

Despite what may very well be millions of deaths that this will produce, the stupidity producing the civil war that is coming will be the most memorable aspect in the history books.

Tell others about r/K Theory, because people deserve to know the mechanism behind what is coming

Posted in Europe, Immigration, ITZ, K-stimuli, Migrant Crime Deniers, Muslims, Politics, rabbitry | 2 Comments