Planned Parenthood Tells Kids They Don’t Need To Divulge HIV Status

Crazy stuff:

What kind of sex educators would tell kids with AIDS they don’t have to disclose their health status to a sexual partner? Planned Parenthood, that’s who! International Planned Parenthood Federation (IPPF) has an information campaign they’ve put out for kids with HIV called “Healthy, Happy and Hot” that begins:

Young people living with HIV may feel that sex is just not an option, but don’t worry — many young people living with HIV live healthy, fun, happy and sexually fulfilling lives. You can too, if you want to! Things get easier (and sex can get even better) as you become more comfortable with your status. A few pages later they drop the deadly and stupid claim that HIV-positive people have the right to NOT disclose their HIV status to their sexual partners.

This is a direct result of leftists actually lacking the brain structure that calculates consequences and relevance weighs present sacrifices vs long term costs. They can’t focus their thoughts beyond that immediate sexual satisfaction and temporary feel-bad, or see the flood of HIV patients later on, the costs of the healthcare, the side effects of the drugs, or the inevitable rise of a drug resistant strain.

You can see why the Apocalypse that arises from peak-r will usually incorporate a pandemic element. These people lack the normal protective cognitive mechanisms that are necessary to prevent such an outbreak. They have no disgust. They can’t imagine consequences. They hate any aversion towards anyone, no matter what disgusting things they do. Add in the environmental and human conditions that foster the advance of pathogens into human populations, and the resource constriction that prevents effective response to such an outbreak, and the pandemic is almost guaranteed once the system begins coming down.

Spread r/K Theory, because a pandemic might make for a quick and painless K-shift

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6 years ago


Robert What?
6 years ago

There is also the likelihood that Planned Parenthood (although they’d never admit it – possibly not even to themselves) see an explosion of HIV into the general population as a good thing. After all, if everyone has HIV no one has to be ashamed of it.

6 years ago

I read that Puritan attitudes toward sexual license were motivated by an epidemic of syphilis that was raging in England at the time. While white man’s diseases were wiping out the Indians, they got us back with that one.

The Sexual Revolution started with a pill, and that pill’s name was penicillin. Of course, penicillin is now pretty much useless, as will be today’s antibiotics and AIDS cocktails in 10-20 years.

6 years ago

Imagine that every infectious disease specialists and sane medical doctors are cursing PP right now. HIV infections are matter of public health and must be report to local health department.

6 years ago

Leftists also lack the brain structures for love and caring. Think of all the destroyed lives from this policy. Think of the anguish, the people cursing their parents and those they trusted. People make mistakes, which is natural. But to have a generation of “Cool I’ll let my kids do whatever and be the cool parent” raise kids who go into a world where one mistake, which they are encouraged to make, can practically end a huge part of their lives, or their lives entirely- that’s disgusting and evil.

We can’t help the AIDS babies, but it is possible to stop HIV from spreading. This present but absent father thing that normie White dudes do has to stop, you guys have to be active in your children’s lives- no matter the cost- you’re a parent your responsibilities go beyond you. Premarital-sex, drug use, high school “dating”, unaccountable College activities- it’s not “cool”. These fast track children and young adults towards destroying their lives, especially girls, who are almost programed for self destructive behaviors.