Policing In r-selection, British Style

Saw this on Free Republic:

Terrified policemen pushed each other in a desperate rush to flee the home of a topless machete thug who told them: “I’ll take your ****ing heads off.”

The two officers were confronted by bare-chested Daniel Meir, who told them to get out of his bedroom…

“They ran down the stairs, having to push each other to make a quicker exit.

“They retreated to a vehicle where they locked their doors and waited for assistance to come.”

r-selected cops, designed for an r-selected world are not fit to police a K-selected population. It brought to mind this article:

… we spoke to Charley Clark, who spent nearly a decade as a police constable and a detective constable in Hackney, one of the most deprived and dangerous boroughs in London…

“I spent nearly a decade as a cop on the streets of one of the biggest cities in the world, dealing with violent dangerous criminals.

The one lesson that everyone who ever became a half-decent copper did take on board was that the most important piece of officer safety equipment we ever had was talk. Every single lesson hammered home deescalation and Betari’s Box, which looks more like something your hippie friend would share on Facebook than police policy.

And all this, rather than guns and tasers, are the most common tools London police have to persuade a six-foot lump of psychotic anger that what he really wants is to put down the lamp post and sleep it off…

For those keeping score: angry violent man, no pants, children nearby. And still no guns.

The conversation went something like this:

Him: Well go on, fucking search me, then! I know you want to.

Me: Not really, squire. I was pretty much hoping not to have to take my hands out of my pockets today.

Him: You wot?

Me: You got anything naughty on you?

Him: Fucking search me, fed. Find out.

Me: Nah, your word’s good enough for me. Got some folks here worried about you, John.

Him: Ain’t you going to cuff me up?

Me: Hadn’t planned to. You want to do anything that’ll need cuffing?

Him: No.

Me: Well then. All settled. Let’s get you to a hospital, shall we?…

And basically, that was that. No handcuffs, no shouting, and, most critically, no guns. John got treatment at the local mental health wing and was fine until the next time he went off his meds. Of course, I found out that the next time, officers listened too closely to their radios and went big early. John broke one of their arms and bit a finger nearly clean off.

Call me backward thinking, but it just seems like something is wrong when your strategy to keep Police Officers alive is to make them so weak and helpless that any angry mob that encounters them takes too much pity on them to kill them.

The difference between the UK and the US is essentially the difference between r and K. r’s use social pressure and creative thinking to try and avoid conflict, while K’s meet conflict head on and subdue it. Interestingly, as our nations differ similarly in the amount of social welfare they provide, our cultures also seem to expect the same styles of policing as their innate psychologies.

My suspicion is that Europe has, on total, had far more peace and satiety than the US, for far longer, and that has altered their epigenetics toward r far more than the average citizen in the US. One prominent, if unfortunate example is attitudes toward self defense:

As soon as he unlocked it, three strangers rushed in and launched at him, toting baseball bats and a gun. The man retreated to the kitchen, where he found a knife and with it was able to overpower the intruders, two men and one woman…

The homeowner has been convicted of “excessive self-defense and attempted manslaughter,” Helsinki news reports. He will serve an unconditional sentence for four years and two months, which he has to spend in prison. The man also has to pay damages to his attackers, with the fine totaling €21,000 (US$23,000)…

The attackers… received one-year-and-two-month conditional sentences, which is similar to probation or house arrest…

Imagine how repulsive this is to our psychology. Yet to Europeans, this is a normal state of affairs. It is a totally different psychology.

In truth, the rabbit-like nature of the r-selected psychology is the only explanation for why the present Islamic invasion has gotten as far as it has.

Europe needs the Apocalypse even more than we do.

This entry was posted in Conservatives, Decline, Europe, Immigration, ITZ, K-stimuli, Liberals, Morals, Politics, Psychological Manipulation, Psychology, r-stimuli, rabbitry. Bookmark the permalink.
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7 years ago

[…] Policing In r-selection, British Style […]

General P. Malaise
General P. Malaise
7 years ago

“………………..Europe needs the Apocalypse even more than we do.

I think they will get it in spades. looks like it has already begun.

7 years ago

I think you are off on this one. First, you have to get back to Robert Peele, who put the Metro police together in the first place (and is the reason they are called Bobbies, as in “Bobby’s Boys”.) He started them in 1829, which was the end of the Regency Era, but really more proto-Victorian.

He was no poof, and neither were his men. It was a reform on the way policing worked before — you saw a criminal, you raised the Hue and Cry (a legal term) and all of your fellow citizens were supposed to help you catch the criminal. The Bobbies were simply, in Peele’s words, ordinary citizens paid to do full time what was the duty of every citizen.

So, one, they aren’t supposed to be alone — they are supposed to have the active (as in, get in there and get some licks in) support of the public, and they aren’t supposed to be “just like you and me only better”, which is what our cops think they are.

At one time, policing worked that way here too — The lawman would rarely shoot or even threaten to shoot someone, but you could surely get your head bashed in my him and whoever else was around when he said, “git em!” Andy Griffith rarely even touched his gun. Even in America, most cops never fire their weapon in the field, and a lot never even draw it.

The cops that do go to guns all the time are the aberration, and they are the bad apples that are ruining the barrel. I think as often as not, they are more rabbit than wolf, like the barrel rolling cop manhandling the bikini teenager — full amygdala overload at them not respecting his authoritah.

Sheepdogs don’t protect the sheep by biting the sheep.

7 years ago

Unfortunately, yes we do!

7 years ago

[…] case below via the author, Anonymous Conservative, could be a case in […]

Larry M
Larry M
7 years ago

“Imagine how repulsive this is to our psychology. Yet to Europeans, this is a normal state of affairs. It is a totally different psychology.”

Yes and no. As an Italian, I can tell you that MANY people in my country – and from I read online, I suspect in other countries as well – are furious about this state of affairs.

Yes, most men are hopelessly cucked and most women are still all “refugees welcome”, but the tide has turned in the last few years. Maybe the invasion has turned many towards K, maybe Italy was more K than Northern Europe all along.

Last thing I heard about the topic of self-defense was this: people in a small, somewhat isolated suburb of my city (north western Italy) where home invasions (mostly by south eastern Europeans as far as I’m aware) were becoming too common were organizing civil night patrols. It’s clear our police can’t or won’t protect us from the invaders, so many Italian Ks are basically going the mafia way. You go into that neighborhood looking to rob and rape, you may just not come out alive. In fact, you may not come out, period. Someone said they were even digging holes to be ready to bury the corpses without delay.

It’s not necessarily the people that are more r (although they usually are); it’s that our laws are far more restrictive and outrageously more favorable to out-groups than yours (actually criminalizing opinions and the like), just like our leaders are even more shamelessly pro-out-group than your worst equivalents.

Sam J.
Sam J.
7 years ago

“…The one lesson that everyone who ever became a half-decent copper did take on board was that the most important piece of officer safety equipment we ever had was talk. Every single lesson hammered home deescalation…”

This is why there’s so many shootings and so much hatred of the police. It’s directly related to their training. The cops today escalate immediately. Look at the guy in Baton Rouge selling CD’s. They fairly quickly jump on him and throw him on the ground. Is it necessary to throw everyone on group constantly? I and everyone else doesn’t want tho be thrown on the ground. Tactically it makes sense but ALL situations are not a tactical fight to the death that needs throwing people on the ground.

In Atlanta Blacks tried to force the city not to use Israeli cops to train the Atlanta police. They weren’t able to do so. Israeli cops are training our cops to treat us like Palestinians, a invaded and conquered population.