Political Information Theory, Amygdala, And r/K Selection

I have just assumed Trump’s best bet was to play up what a scumbag Hillary is, but that might not be the best strategy:

In the last three months, the head of the FBI has said she was “extremely careless” with classified material and came whisker-close to indicting her. Every day, new headlines break about the cozy and likely illegal relationship between the Clinton Foundation and the State Department. She’s unlikable, she’s nasty, and she’s boring.

How can she be blowing out anyone, even Donald Trump?

The answer lies in what economist George Gilder might call the “information theory” of politics. Gilder says that the economy runs on new information changing the equilibrium. In essence, there is a steady drone of old information in the economy – and that’s what creates an economic status quo. Both entrepreneurial successes and devastating depressions add new information to the economy, which is why you see movement in the markets.

But old information doesn’t change anything.

This is the problem with Hillary: she doesn’t add any new information to the system. We already knew Hillary was deeply corrupt from her time in the White House…

In other words, she’s been so dirty for so long that it’s almost impossible to add new information to the system. All she has to do is continue to be the same old kind of dirty we already knew she was, and she’ll waltz her way to the White House.

Trump promised to expose Hillary to criticism she’d never felt before, but he hasn’t done it…

That’s why Hillary’s campaign continues to maintain stability while Trump’s seems to bump up and down, nearly at random.

This makes sense. The amygdala flags new information that has never been seen before, focusing the brain upon it, and it especially flags information that is in conflict with the old information comprising the status quo (in other words, it flags new information that is a violation of expectation). The amygdala tends to disregard what the brain has already seen frequently, unless that data preceded a trauma.

Is Bill a rapist? Probably. But everyone has known that for years. The information doesn’t have nearly the effect it would have if we thought he was squeaky clean, and suddenly we found out he raped a woman. Let George W. Bush be accused of a violent, brutal rape, and we would be shocked. That would be a violation of expectation that would affect the system.

Is Hillary a scumbag? Of course – in a myriad of different ways. But we knew that already. Amazingly, the Clintons have so thoroughly plumbed the moral depths, for so long, that it may be difficult to defeat them on any issue of scumbaggery. One reader here once referred to such a state as the “Tyson Zone.” Today, nothing Mike Tyson is accused of could surprise you. He’s been in bar fights, been accused of rape (whether he did or not), been accused of drug use, bitten off a man’s ear, and even tattooed his face. If he killed a man in a streetfight tomorrow, it would just be Mike doing his thing.

Ironically, Hillary’s scumbaggery may have been so extreme for so long, that she may actually be more electable than most politicians today, whose scumbaggery is more hidden. Even more ironically, it may place Donald on a equivalent level in the eyes of the public, moral-wise, with Hillary. The media’s relentless assailing of a moral man over every phony “scandal” violates an expectation. Even if small in scale, that small violation of expectation may have a similar effect, persuasion-wise, as Hillary’s non-stop cacophony of real, dire, criminal transgressions in the light of her relentlessly criminal past.

Of course there is still one piece of information that most of the broader public has not seen, which could break into the broader political debate any day now. I believe it was discussed in several conversations at the Redstate gathering, and it is increasingly linked to from all corners of the internet. It would shock amygdalae, and give everyone an amazing new perspective on politics. It would trigger rabbits with all sorts of twig-snapping stimuli, and attach an amygdala image to leftism and Hillary that would both shame leftists, and make everyone else view them as inferior, and unworthy of association.

r/K Theory has always had a strange air of being heaven sent, and timed to perfection. It will not surprise me in the least if it does break forth at exactly the right moment to have a real tangible effect on the course of human history.

This entry was posted in Amygdala, Liberals, Morals, Politics, Psychological Manipulation, Psychology, r-stimuli, rabbitry, Trump. Bookmark the permalink.
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7 years ago

[…] Political Information Theory, Amygdala, And r/K Selection […]

7 years ago

OR, nobody is actually all that jazzed about Hillary but they keep rigging the polls to cover for the upcoming rigging of the election. So she’s not actually “beating” anyone and a large majority of the electorate actually supports Trump, but it doesn’t really matter because the vote counting machines spit out the result they’re programmed to, not the actual vote counts.

7 years ago

BTW, if you don’t watch Mike Tyson’s Mysteries, it’s hilarious.


Real Human Being
Real Human Being
7 years ago

Can you give us a hint about this groundbreaking piece of information? After a hint drop like that I’m very curious.

7 years ago

what is that “one piece of information”?

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
7 years ago

Hey AC
Great work, thanks.

I happen to think Stefan Molyneux at Libertopia 2010 is an as yet unnoticed gem, with genuine practical advice for Wolves.


Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
7 years ago

Scott Adams (Dilbert etc) with Stefan Molyneux.

Scott Adams writes positively about Donald Trump, receives threats.
Says “I endorse HRC because I get threats”
Threats stop!

The ‘r’abbits don’t care for his reasoning, just that he SAYS he’s on their side!

I put more of substance down the bog each morn!

7 years ago

Possible solution– what if you personalize it? Instead of saying Hillary is a scumbag (over and over), what if you say “you support Hillary, after all she’s done? YOU’RE a scumbag.”

You know, in front of everybody, with a disgusted look on your face and out-grouping in your tone?

General P. Malaise
General P. Malaise
7 years ago

all the polls showing hillary in the race or leading are false. the real and only problem for Trump and conservatives is whether or not they will be getting a fair count in the election.

7 years ago

Ok, well what is it? What’s the one piece that was heard at red state gatherings that would shock amygdale?

General P. Malaise
General P. Malaise
7 years ago

given that the truth about the clintons has been out there for decades I will conclude that going after hillaries dishonesty may not get much traction when the media will conspire with the clintons


John Calabro
John Calabro
7 years ago

Hey Anonymous, by the way did you manage to check out the Young Turks Flipping out at Alex Jones? I enjoy Sargon take on the whole thing but I thought you would enjoy it since you talk much about r/K Amygdala and the way some people react during times of stress.

The way Cenk reacts to Alex Jones saying that they are funded by Saudi Arabia. The switch to angry is just amazing. The statement is triggering to him. Sargon of Akkad mention it on his video “This week in Stupid (24/07/2016)” that Cenk is reacting to this might be due to being partly funded by Al Jazeera which is funded by Qatar government. A country that is almost as bad as Saudi Arabia on many issues such as Human rights and using Sharia law.
Also Ana total flip and Fat shamed Alex Jones “Get off the stage you fat f##k”. It is funny because she has been against fat Shaming in the past and has said it is never ok to Fat Shame. Well because it is someone she doesn’t like different rules.

Anyway if you have time check out the video on Youtube (sorry I can’t link it at the moment) “Young Turks Flip out on Alex Jones”. I would very much like your take on this since you are very good at reading people and I enjoy your articles on Amygdala and r/K. The video goes for 6 min but you only have to watch the first 4 and half minutes. Thank you for your hard work