Q Said “Trust Sessions”

This would seem another Q-confirmation:

Professor Jonathan Turley, a top national legal expert on government investigations, commented on Thursday about Attorney General Jeff Sessions’ decision to bring in U.S. Attorney John Huber. Turley called it “brilliant” to combine all the powers of the U.S. Department of Justice’s inspector general with a prosecutor who can bring charges, seek indictments, and get results for President Trump far more quickly than a second special counsel…

Sessions informed Congress in his letter that all the matters recommended for investigation by Goodlatte, Gowdy, and Grassley are “fully within the scope of [Huber’s] existing mandate.” He also informed the chairmen that Inspector General Michael Horowitz, who is working with Huber, has a staff of 470 investigators, giving Huber access to enormous investigative firepower that far exceeds the staff of any special counsel.

That point is critical because as Sessions’ March 29 letter explains, the inspector general’s jurisdiction to conduct civil and criminal investigations includes “actions taken by former employees after they have left government service.” Then Huber can act on any of those matters.

As a U.S. attorney, Huber has full authority to empanel a grand jury and to file criminal charges. A grand jury can be empaneled anywhere, which means that it could be a group of citizens from deep-red Utah – in the heart of Trump country – instead of the D.C. Swamp that decides whether to hand down indictments for felony prosecution.

“The Inspector General’s jurisdiction extends not only to allegations of legal violations, but also to allegations that Department employees violated established practices as well,” Sessions added in his letter, which means that the IG’s report can hold people accountable even for actions that do not violate a specific statute…

“This prosecutor does have not just the experience and training to look for a criminal case; he has the ability to move a case of that kind” in court, Turley emphasized.

Not only that, but if Sessions believes crimes were committed, but Huber for some reason does not bring charges, “Sessions has reserved the right to go ahead and appoint a special counsel,” said Turley…

Huber is a Utah lawyer, not a D.C lawyer. “That distance between him and Washington is very important,” Turley explained, because Huber is not part of the Deep State…

“If a special counsel were appointed, there would be a great deal of delay,” Turley stated, versus the team of Huber and Horowitz, who are already five months into this investigation.

Q does seem to know a lot ahead of time, which we later see confirmed.

If our government was taken over by foreign powers, who installed a new government they controlled, I do not see how we come out of that with any hint of big-government liberalism in the nation. I would never want to recreate anything which could again be penetrated and taken over by some ambitious foreign intel operation that worked its way up the ladder, seizing key positions.

I hope Trump uses this to demonize big government, and encourage the nation to avoid recreating the overarching power structures which were tailor made for hijacking by malevolent actors. Such a lesson will not hold big government off forever, but it should do so enough to at least leave us freer going into the Apocalypse.

I do wish we could encourage full disclosure, no matter the consequences. American amygdalae cannot accurately adapt themselves to reality, if they are kept from seeing and feeling the full ugliness of it. I’d say trust in Americans to be strong enough to be able to handle the truth, and then use its horror to inoculate them to it, so our children can grow up in a country with the grasp on reality, and sufficient amygdala to effectively protect freedom.

Tell everyone about r/K Theory, because only the worst horror and misery can create a recognition of freedom’s worth

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6 years ago

It’s hard to believe Q is legit. Here’s my reasoning:

The intelligence agencies monitor everything.

Therefore they know who Q is/are.

Therefore, if they haven’t grabbed him yet, it’s because he’s actually one of them.

Given that, anything true that he says might be to gain our trust, so he can betray it at a crucial instant.

Say at a crucial moment, when the next civil war goes hot, when soldiers are rounding up patriots or simply shooting them, Q says,

“Ignore rumors of US military going after patriots, just alarmism to mess with your head. Everyone go back to sleep.”


“Rumors are true, but we must act in a coordinated manner. Don’t do anything yet; stand by for the signal.”

Then there will never be any signal.

These possibilities scare the crap out of me.

Indeed, Q keeps saying, “Trust the plan, trust the plan.”


I worry that some on the right are trusting Q too much.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
6 years ago

At least one Q is probably Pence: https://threadreaderapp.com/thread/979384311953543168.html
Do you trust Pence?

6 years ago

>I do wish we could encourage full disclosure, no matter the consequences. American amygdalae cannot accurately adapt themselves to reality, if they are kept from seeing and feeling the full ugliness of it.

We have no idea what might lie beyond, but one thing I can tell you, with God Emperor and the Heavenly Imperial Team at the helm, I’m sure every person in the world will have a better chance at facing the whatever may come. I do think that non-full-disclosure, at least for now, if not forever, might be for the best. Off course my analytical mind wants to know about it ALL, but we might not be privileged enough to know (info might be a security issue at a national/continental/global level, and impossible to disclose to the gen pop, or even to the most autismos, although I wouldn’t give a shit whatever it would be, for a truth seeker nothing is more sweet than to know truth itself).

We have 3 main advantages:
1) God Emperor and the Heavenly Imperial Team. Trump is advancing ultra well on migration, he did this: http://archive.is/jlooc (“Trump Administration Instituting Quotas For Federal Judges To Accelerate Deportations Of Illegal Aliens”) and says Military will be used to defend border while the Wall gets built ( http://archive.is/EuA64 ).

2) The weaponised boomers (Q did that).

3) The self-weaponised autismos (the 1st great meme war veterans/free thinkers/truth seekers/anons).

There is a Total War Operation on the global deep state. God Emperor must end them, and will end them (and Vice-God Emperor is a hell of a life security policy). The Heavenly Imperial Team is responsible for that part (read this image: http://archive.is/ssnTb ), ours, is to try to prevent that as much as we can from happening. Off course, if you’re a preper (and you should be, everyone should, like in Switzerland where citizens are required to have minimum of supplies for 30 days of SHTF), you can feel more relaxed about whatever may come. The war is unavoidable, and that is not our job, but the degree and extent of the costs that war is going to impose on the US, the West, and the World can be reduced. Perhaps you only drop redpills online, perhaps you also do IRL, thing is WE ALL MAKE A DIFFERENCE. Sometimes, just dropping a meme really quickly on a twatter feed or on a shit-poasting thread can be that little bit of nugget that pushes someone else toward the truth. I’m super glad to all the thousands of random worldwide strangers that left so much knowledge for me to understand more, and it feels good to pay it forward.

God bless Mr. Trump and Team and all the millions of anon volunteers that are trying to make the world a better place. Prayer is always a good option. That the RPTB, the ones beyond the grasp of men bless us with the strength and e n e r g y to make the world a better place. So much depends on us all. Let us go forward in peace, with as little loss as possible, and let our memetic, informational or kinetic strikes always land true to our cause, and to our hearts. GOD BLESS!



For the most action-minded readers:
>It’s all about hijacking the narrative from the (((MSM))).
>And using good and accurate information (disclaimer:always obtained legally, off course).
>The main objective is to be as informed as possible, and inform others when propitious.
>IRL if adequate (use your judgement).
>Online wherever you can (using your personal accounts is not advisable, mind your O–P[S]]E[[[C, think about the consequences of using your own identity to drop redpills on the normies/uninformed_people, libshits will attack you and try to destroy you (they follow the principals of the Saul Alinsky’s “Rules for Radicals”, they know it’s easier to attack the person when you have a mob of uninformed lunatics (or r-selectives) giving you social proof, that’s why they always fight in the public)).
>What I suggest is that we familiarize with these resources which have proven themselves GREAT tools to acquire good intel on some of our (((competitors))) structures:


-> They have great intel on antifa. If you need to inform normies that still don’t know how fucked up they are, point them this way. You’ll save time and social capital if IRL you don’t have time or are not at the appropriate setting to inform someone quickly and accurately about how much of a threat they are, with fully sourced (and accurate) info.


-> If anyone ever brings up education and how the cultural marxists have subverted it, point them this way. One of the keys in, and I quote AC “demonize big government, and encourage the nation to avoid recreating the overarching power structures which were tailor made for hijacking by malevolent actors.”, then a key piece of the puzzle is to get rid of the cultural marxist agents of subversion (in which jews are certainly over represented on a per capita basis compared to other participants of the US demographics) on the education system. This will help. Lots and lots and lots of the Saul Alinskys of this world are teachers. They indoctrinate and guide the useful idiots they recruit to their “cause” (the revolution, comrade) the naive and easy to fool if not properly educated or too rebellious kids. This ties in with the antifa because their ranks are filled with: paid protestors, soyboi kids who need safe spaces, fat landwhales, queers, muslims (who they think are great friends with them and allies, at least until the muslims get the numbers), mentally ill homeless people they recruit by feeding them but which they use to act violently if needed. This is the kind of people the left will want us all not only to get along with, BUT TO PROMOTE THE INCREASE OF SUCH PEOPLE among us, when that is NOT to the interest of any Western nation. When you start hearing leftists . And remember, the left NEVER punches left (they will, once the arrests start, you can trust Mr. Trump is /ourguy/ and will make the treasonous criminals pay).

Don’t let your memes be dreams.



If you want to make a lefty think, show them this if appropriate:


You’ll have a pretty interesting response, guaranteed (I can’t guarantee that it won’t be negative or hysterical, because it’ll probably will, depending. Remember, the objective is to make mends with the “perceived enemies” after the overt parts of the operation start getting to the gen pop, to the highest extent one can.

Think, how would most people react if some very well know public figure was convicted of treason on a military tribunal tomorrow. How would you explain that to someone?
That is our mission.

Like someone said:
Preventing the civil war in the US = preventing the Purple Revolution from happening.

Purple Revolution = Communist violent revolution engineered by George Soros.

Even if the left was to get crushed in the clash, the objective is to avoid that. War always come with high costs. Like this picture ( http://archive.is/ssnTb ) says, many statues of great men were raised after they made mends. We will refuse the forces of evil what they tried to achieve.

The only chance the rest of the world has, is if the hot war is mostly avoided. The extent to which it will have to happen, will happen, lets hope and act for the best, while preparing for the worst (the price of freedom is eternal vigilance).

Gen. Kong
Gen. Kong
6 years ago

Yes, there are supposedly almost 25,000 sealed indictments. Assuming these are real, of what use are they if nobody is arrested? Q stated in November that Hillary had been arrested, along with Soros and at least one other big name. Well, Hillary and Zero have both been jet-setting around the world telling their fellow Davosoids to hold on as they’ll have Trump removed before long, along with the Satanic raisin George Soros (who worked for Adolf Eichmann in the waning days of WW II). The excuses offered on the 8-chan boards for this amount to rather nonsensical assertions that the bad guys were arrested but allowed to travel around (presumably escorted).

Sessions? Let’s see: He left Obamabots (Horowitz and Rosenstein) in place to investigate the other Obamabots (McCabe, et al). Then he appoints yet another Obamabot (Huber) to handle yet another investigation of the Clinton-Obama machine’s efforts to overthrow the Trump administration. He almost seemed smart in the Senate – I remember VDARE referring to him as “America’s Senator”. The great memo was released over a month ago – containing more than enough reason to fire scores of FBI criminals and maybe even order arrests and trials. Instead, McCabe is fired and loses a portion of an overly-generous federal pension (as various Clintonoids raise 400K for him).

Meanwhile, state officials from the governor on down in CA openly defy the law (which should result in charges and removal from office) as do others like Rahm Emmanuel in Chicongoland – basically laughing in everyone’s face as they get away with it (yet again). Q has something of a credibility problem here: lots of grandiose things hinted at and we get at 1.3 trillion Porkulus with gun control, plus the GOP working to throw the house to the D-jerseys in the fall. It will be interesting to see how far various CA officials, judges and others are willing to go to facilitate the Caravan of Peace (mostly military-age males) moving north to the US border. I do hope I’m wrong, but the Q-anon stuff increasingly looks like a psyop.

Sam J.
Sam J.
6 years ago

Sessions behavior now is totally different from his behavior as a Senator. I assumed earlier he and his family were being threatened. Maybe he does have some super secret plan boiling up but it’s been a long time. To make these things work you need to indict someone to pressure them to give up others. We’re not seeing that. It’s a bit silly to say that Sessions is sneaking up on them and they don’t know.

When I read Sessions had these out of DC people coming in it sounds heartening but then you read,”…John Huber, the U.S. attorney probing the FBI for possible political corruption, was first appointed to his position by President Barack Obama…”, that does not inspire confidence. Surely in all the USA they can get someone not appointed by Obama? Surely???? What would be the point? Are there no Republicans he can find? Isn’t it against the party itself if this huge powerful spot is taken by Obama appointees?

You know maybe they’re just stringing us along until they steal the next election electronically and then they start to gather up weapons and call the antifa mob out to attack everyone. Trump and the Republican governments have done nothing to stop the electronic stealing of elections. A serious person would make that priority #1. The Rep. Governors could disqualify elections without verifiable voters and ballots. Notice the gun grabber David Hogg is focusing on stopping ID checks for elections right now. Wonder why.