Q Says The Owl Is The Guardian Of The Pope

Another intriguing Q drop:

Guardian of the Pope.

Some previous Q drops:

What does the “Owl” represent to certain cults?

Their need for symbolism will be their downfall.
Follow the Owl & Y head around the world.
Identify and list.
They don’t hide it.
They don’t fear you.
You are sheep to them.
You are feeders.
Godfather III.

Photo of Owl in the civil plan of Washington DC

Identify symbolism (Owl / Y).
Which performers/celebs supported HRC during the election? Who performed during her rallies?
What jewelry and/or tattoos present?
What other events do they attend together?
What does HRC represent to them? What celebrities have owl / Y head symbols?
What politicians have owl / Y head symbols?
What powerful people have owl / Y head symbols?
What powerful groups have owl / Y head symbols?
Why are they worn/shown openly?
Their need for symbolism will be their downfall.

When you start to look into it, there is some strange fascination with the Owl. Even the Vatican Apostolic Library newsletter is named, “OWL, Online Window into the Library.”

This link contains a fair number of interesting examples of the use of Owl Symbology by elites and rulers, from ancient Egypt, through Roman currency, all the way to rappers today.

The plan of Capitol Grounds is quite interesting:

As is the use of Owl imagery on Roman coins.

Even the illuminati used the owl as their symbol.

This site from back in 2010 makes the case for a secret Owl society which has been a meeting place for elites, all the way up to Bohemian Grove today.

It is impossible to discern at this point exactly what Q means by the Owl being the Guardian of the Pope, however it is worth noting that the Owl has carried another connotation. Some have seen it as a guardian for passed spirits, to guide them to the underworld:

It is possible the Pope’s days are numbered. Between this, and the increasing attention on sexual abuse, Q’s prediction the Pope would have a rough May is bearing out.

Tell others about r/K Theory, because the owl is coming for all of us

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Jeff Wood
Jeff Wood
5 years ago

I live in Tuscany. One of our symbols is the Owl. I assure you, we are not all satanic Illuminati.

5 years ago

While I have no doubt there is are owls on roman coins(especially during the massive variety of psuedo-privately minted coins in the republic era), your example, and far more important linkage of owls to ancient med coins is the Athenian tetradrachm (that what your picture is). It is vitally important because it was effectively the first ‘global currency’ (and by global I mean all over the ancient med, and deep into celtic europe, down into Egypt, Carthage, early Romans all would have recognized it on sight, and had a good estimate of its worth relative to whatever local was). City states each minted their own coins, and were predominantly local, maybe common in the next city state over, but the Athenian tetradrachm became the primary tool of trade, recognized all over. Part of it was because it was well standardized, part of it was because it was minted in huge numbers, especially during the century that included the building boom (golden age or Pericles, the Parthenon, all of that) and the Pelopenesian war. And part because Athens was a trade/sea power, so was all over. The Athenian tetradrachm was not the first ‘money’, but it was the first money widely recognized as such outside its own territory….the first global reserve currency….and all the shenanigans that follow with that.

5 years ago

This reminds me that a recent season of the prequel Batman series, Gotham, it was shown that Gotham was actually controlled by an elite secret society known as the Court of Owls.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
5 years ago

Twin Peaks seems more and more relevant all the time.

If all this is legit how on earth did David Lynch and Mark Frost write that story, present it to the public, and get out with their lives?

The show itself lays it on pretty thick with the whole “beware of the owls” stuff…. but if you read the supplemental books from last year you learn that (spoiler) the owls (extradimensional demons granted access to earth by the atomic bomb) have infiltrated the FBI. Oh, and they all work to debase and degrade humans so as to literally feast upon their pain. (/spoiler)

5 years ago

The Egyptian Owl Goddess was Hecate:

Hecate is an ancient Greek goddess who is very well known in modern times for being Goddess of Witches. She is thought to be a prehistoric or primordial goddess that dates back to pre-Grecian times and might have originated with the Anatolians. She was thought of as a shapeshifting goddess of sorts and would often take the form of a three-headed black canine at a crossroads. Hecate was and is also known for taking the form of an Owl. This is no wonder, as Hecate was often associated with the Crone (old woman) aspect of the Goddess and so superseded death or the dying process. We can see that the Owl was also representative of the darkness (as Owls are nocturnal), and that they have been seen as omens in other cultures. Hecate is the Owl Goddess of the crossroads, death, magic, the darkness, and the Moon (among other things).

HRC is quite openly a member of a Coven of witches.

5 years ago

Sorry, I posted before completing my details. May be in your Spam box. Please delete if duplicated.

The Egyptian Owl Goddess is Hecate:

Hecate is an ancient Greek goddess who is very well known in modern times for being Goddess of Witches. She is thought to be a prehistoric or primordial goddess that dates back to pre-Grecian times and might have originated with the Anatolians. She was thought of as a shapeshifting goddess of sorts and would often take the form of a three-headed black canine at a crossroads. Hecate was and is also known for taking the form of an Owl. This is no wonder, as Hecate was often associated with the Crone (old woman) aspect of the Goddess and so superseded death or the dying process. We can see that the Owl was also representative of the darkness (as Owls are nocturnal), and that they have been seen as omens in other cultures. Hecate is the Owl Goddess of the crossroads, death, magic, the darkness, and the Moon (among other things).

HRC is openly a member of a coven of witches.

5 years ago

Personally I always associated the owl with wisdom.


Reply to  Cees
5 years ago

‘When you start to look into it, there is some strange fascination with the Owl. Even the Vatican Apostolic Library newsletter is named, “OWL, Online Window into the Library.”’

So it makes sense to me that a library uses it in a name. Is it less common in the US to associate the owl with wisdom?

5 years ago

Prodigy was probably an Alex Jones fan. AJ snuck into the Bohemian Grove ritual called “The Cremation of Care” and filmed it. Probably his first real slam dunk. The lesson, I guess, is that if you’re a loud-mouth Texan that just won’t shut the hell up, you’ll eventually stumble into something important.

The footage starts at about 1 hour in.

5 years ago

Going way back, the Chris Carter “X-Files” parallel series “Millennium” had a significant backstory element in which the Millennium Group (a private investigative service) was actually the front for a sinister secret society bent on steering end-times events and ultimately bringing on the Apocalypse.

The group was divided into two competing factions struggling for control as the Millennium approached: “the ‘Roosters’, who believed in a religiously eschatological view of the end of the world, and the ‘Owls’, who believed the world would end with a secular natural disaster”.(per Wikipedia)

Remember that some months before 9/11 Chris Carter’s other parallel series, “The Lone Gunmen”, ran an episode in which a civilian airliner was flown into the Twin Towers. “Millennium” also had an episode centered on a shooting in a rural school, the same week as the Kentucky school shooting (they had to delay the episode, then add a disclaimer/warning card at the beginning), and an episode depicting a school board that was secretly a cabal of satanists.

Chris Carter seemed to be oddly prophetic/predictive in his programming. Makes you wonder about some of the storylines in “X-Files” itself.

5 years ago

“Signs and symbols rule the world, not laws or words” is an apocryphal quote attributed to Confucius but does have a great deal of truth in it.

As far as I can figure the owl comes from the worship of Athena and probably ties in with the Eleusinian Mystery cult. Both the serpent and owl are seen as symbols of wisdom and knowledge; traits that the Cabal supposedly holds in high regard especially when it come to “hidden knowledge.” It is yet one more way of signaling as being part of the initiated or illumined. Why is the Masonic unfinished pyramid part of the Great Seal of the United States? Why is the acronym for the Vatican-run telescope in the American Southwest LUCIFER? Dig a little deeper and you find disturbing symbols everywhere. Novonordisk’s corporate symbol/logo is literally a Ba’al icon. The Bohemian Club performs their “Cremation of Care” ceremony at the feet of an owl-like bird.

“Man was held prisoner in the Garden of Eden by a cruel and vindictive God until he was freed by Lucifer, through his agent Satan, with the gift of intellect.”
-Bill Cooper, “Mystery Babylon” series

5 years ago
Reply to  SteveRogers42
5 years ago

Who ever makes this gesture as a normal, casual part of everyday living? I don’t think that I have ever done the classic Napoleon pose in my entire life.
