Russians In-group And Out-group

They’re getting rid of anyone who isn’t definitely 100% on their team:

Tens of thousands of Russian dual nationals are being effectively stripped of their Russian citizenship via a quiet policy of Russian consulates worldwide refusing to renew their passports.

Under new regulations the consulates are enforcing, anyone seeking to renew a passport who was not registered as living in Russia on February 6, 1992, will be rejected, even if his or her passport had been renewed on previous occasions.

It is unclear just how many people this new policy will affect. But it will certainly apply to thousands of Jews who emigrated from Russia after July 1, 1991 — the date on which the Soviet Union, then in its final days, ended its policy of taking away the passports of Jews who left the country with exit visas to Israel.

The Russians have had enough shortage and hardship that they have kept their amygdalae sharp. Their leaders are another level entirely. They say Putin has all of his utensils delivered to him with an unopened bottle of vodka, so he can clean any potential toxins and bacteria off them himself prior to dining at every meal. A neurologist thought something was neurologically wrong with their politicians because of asymmetrical hand movement when they walked, but it just turned out they are all holding one hand in the optimal position to draw a gun and kill somebody. You can see how that environment has all of their amygdalae in top form.

Those of us in this country with K-selected amygdalae can sense the Apocalypse is on it’s way, too. To us, this doesn’t sound like a bad idea – though we’d throw a few million liberals and hyphenated Americans out the door too, just for good measure.

The only difference is, things aren’t resource restricted enough, and the K-selection hasn’t permeated our culture deep enough yet, that the mortality has worked its way up to our leaders. When Donald Trump turns around and stabs Paul Ryan to death with the pen he just used to sign the Muslim ban into law, and Jeff Sessions beats Chuck Schumer to death in the cloakroom with a copy of the tax code, our leadership will begin to see their brains remodeled, and the idea of getting outsiders out of our country will suddenly appear as a good idea.

Until then, we will have to just settle for a Muslim immigration ban.

This entry was posted in Amygdala, Conservatives, Cuckservatives, Economic Collapse, In-grouping, K-stimuli, Out-grouping, Politics, Psychology, Trump. Bookmark the permalink.
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7 years ago

The last line of the first article is gold. Talk about burying the lede!

Maybe there’s concern that a large bloc of foreign nationals are influencing Russian elections. That might have something to do with it.

You think?!

7 years ago

[…] Russians In-group And Out-group […]

7 years ago

America is a democracy. Russia is a darwinocracy. When their leaders meet, the Americans cannot believe the Russians are really so evil, and the Russians cannot believe the Americans are really so naive (must be trick to hurt Russia!)

Father Thyme
Father Thyme
7 years ago

Also, this move lessens the chance of communism re-flaring.

7 years ago

OK this is no joke, but you had me laughing out loud at Trump and Sessions beating and stabbing rival politicians.