London Mayor Supports Naked Apartments

If you can’t bring London to the Gaza Strip, bring Gaza to London:

Sadiq Khan adds weight to scheme to construct spartan apartments that will sell for up to 40% less than usual new-builds

Who needs internal walls or a fitted kitchen anyway? As house prices soar ever further out of reach, London’s mayor, Sadiq Khan, is to subsidise a new generation of ultra-basic “naked” homes that will sell for up to 40% less than standard new builds.

The apartments will have no partition walls, no flooring and wall finishes, only basic plumbing and absolutely no decoration. The only recognisable part of a kitchen will be a sink. The upside of this spartan approach is a price tag of between £150,000 and £340,000, in reach for buyers on average incomes in a city where the average home now costs £580,000.

The no-frills concept is to be be tested with 22 apartments on three sites in Enfield, north London, where the council will allow builders to take over derelict council estate garages and car parks. Khan has awarded a £500,000 grant to what he says will be the largest custom-build development in London.

By the time the foreigners are done with London it will be made with nothing more than balsa wood and tissue paper, with newspaper carpets. On the bright side, all it will take is a single match to send it all to the ground so we can start over.

Notice however that we are not looking for ways to make life ever more luxurious. We are not happily consuming freely any more. Now the norm is nano apartments that are single rooms with no flooring, which apparently require residents take their morning shit by sitting on the kitchen sink – and they cost the equivalent of $440,000 dollars American. And I suspect that these may be for a family of four. Hopefully for that price that sink has a garbage disposal unit, but with a Muslim mayor you never know.

This is the early onset of shortage. Interestingly these Spartan accommodations are being portrayed as hip and trendy for some reason. It could be that is the marketers trying to sell the products. Or it could be the rabbits trying to see themselves as still riding the waves of success as they take dumps while microwaving their breakfast burritos on the countertop next to them on one side and frying scrambled eggs on the other – while their teenagers wait impatiently in line to make their own breakfasts. Or it could be the elites trying to keep amygdalae turned off until the anarchy that is coming when the currency system goes down and the banks implode.

This is why nations are K-ifing though, and I have to say I feel tingly at the thought of what increasingly appears right around the corner. ITZ coming.

Spread r/K Theory, because you shouldn’t shit on your own doorstep, or where you wash your dishes

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7 years ago

[…] If you can’t bring London to the Gaza Strip, bring Gaza to London: Sadiq Khan adds weight to scheme to construct spartan apartments that will sell for up to 40% less continue […]

7 years ago

AHahahahahahahahaa…. they don’t know how to scramble eggs!

7 years ago

London has been lost. California is next. How long until the white man realizes this is undeclared warfare?

7 years ago

You know, it’s pretty amazing Western Civ has made it this far. I think we already have the high score- Rome and China never reached these highs, for this long. Islam never came close. Maybe Martians will, thousands of years from now. Maybe the elites should just pack it in already, pull the rug out on fiat currencies and start anew. If the Brits succeed in filling their island full of migrants, things will get very bad. The UK is resource poor, absent imports (oil/fertilizers) their island would be in massive population overshoot. Having banned firearms, the average “Brit” several years post collapse would be a swarthy, psychopathic cannibal armed with rocks and clubs. So much hate the elites must have for their homeland to allow this. Ireland too, it amazes me how they could struggle centuries for independence, fight and bomb the Brits for decades, and now accept Nigerians, Libyans and Sudanese with open arms. It really is suicide that takes down Civilizations, and the West seems determined to hang itself for the crime of building the modern world. And its so easy to stop too, just a vote and some critical thinking. Interesting Times indeed.

7 years ago

$439,790 for apartments with “no partition walls, no flooring and wall finishes, only basic plumbing and absolutely no decoration”? Good god…

7 years ago

Who needs internal walls, anyway? They only get in the way when you’re packing an apartment full of triple-bunk-beds to rent out to tubercular third-world day laborers for 300 quid a week.

6 years ago

I know an SJW who’s obsessed with the “tiny house” trend. Like most boomers she’s unaware she’s being sold something: diminished expectations. Reminds me of the recent “sustainable development” idea to reduce the average size of human beings to 2ft. tall. Do you think the elites will be 2ft. tall? Pitter-pattering through their tiny houses?